Chapter 2: Injuries

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A/N: Im havig a writers block on my book 'Adopted by the Tommo' and this book =.=''. U guys are lucky that I love you 'cuz im just forcing myself to write this chapter. So in advance. Sorry if it sucks. :/

Question of the day: Do you read the author's notes in every book you read here on wattpad?


Lucy's POV

Finally we arrived home. Me and mom got out of the car and entered the house.

I quickly went upstairs to my room and got my laptop. I opened my twitter.

YAY HATE! I love reading these. Let us start!

"@LucySucks: @Lucy_H You look like a bulldog! And your so dumb! Plus you have no fashion sense!"


"@LucySucks Really bulldog? And you don't even know proper grammar! Correction it's suppose to be 'You're' not 'Your' those are completely different! Also thx for complimenting my fashion sense!"


"@ImBetterthanLucy: @Lucy_H Why don't you go and die? The world would be so much better without you!"


"@ImBetterthanLucy Well God doesn't want me to go to heaven yet. He still has plans for me. And the world could be better if everyone is nicer!"

Look! Another one!!

"@Anti-Lucy: @Lucy_H: My gosh! You've gain weight! Your fat as a pig! Go to farm where you belong!"


"@Anti-Lucy I know I've gained weight! And Im as fat as a normal person! Also get your grammar right!"

Ok.Ok. Enough with bad ones! Let's get to the good ones now!

"@IluvLucy: @Lucy_H Lucy! Ignore those haters! They're just jealous of you!"


"@IluvLucy Thnka you so much!I love you too!"

In the middle of replying to tweets someone was knoking at my door "Come in" I yelled.

"Hey sis. Um can I talk to you?" I heard Jordans voice so I looked at him "Yeah?"

"Whoa. What happend to your eye?" he asked. Shit! I forgot to cover it with make-up!

"Umm..... I was playing soccer and my friend kicked the ball to hard it flew and hitted me on the eye." I lied. Hopefully he would believe it.

"You know that your story wasn't convincing right?" He said. Damn he's smart.

"Fine. I got into a fight. Then I got suspended for 2 weeks. There. Happy?" 

"Yeah." he smiled

"Oh! And mom told me to give you this." He handed me an ice pack. I took it and put it on my eye.

"What were you gonna ask me?" 

"How do you know when a girl likes you?" He asked

"Well.... They are many ways to tell if we girls like a certain boy." I said acting smart


"Desperate to know I see." I teasingly smirked

"SIS!" He yelled 

"All right! All right! No need to be serious!" I yelled back "Killjoy." I whispered

"What was that?"

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