Bite Into Me Harder

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"Jesus Stiles. I want to bite you all over."

"Well why don't you? I'm yours Derek, and you can show everyone... I want everyone to know."

Author/s: wolvesinthemoonlight on ao3

The twist of a wrist, a flick of a pencil. The curve of a line, a splash of shading.

Bright green eyes flick up, looking to their reference before looking down at the pad of paper with a direct likeness etched into the smooth white surface. Derek feels a breath on his cheek and he quickly flips the notebook shut, turning to look at whoever was trying to catch a glimpse at his sketches. He breathes a sigh of relief, it's only Danny.

"You know... you could just go talk to him." Danny says, turning his face just slightly to look at Derek, his chin resting on Derek's shoulder. Derek scoffs, pushing his glasses up on his nose. His thick brows furrow as he watched Stiles walk over to an empty picnic table and plop down, taking out some notebooks and text books while he munches on an apple from his lunch tray. Scott McCall and Allison Argent soon join him, sitting down and being disgustingly coupley with their shared heart eyes.

"I wouldn't... I wouldn't know what to say to him." Derek sighs, fiddling with his pencil and eraser. Jackson plops down on his other side, laying on his back and raising an unimpressed eyebrow at Derek.

"Still casting heart eyes at that omega? What was his name... Stilinski? Dude, you could do so much better." Derek frowns down at the beta, whose eyes are closed and his arms are behind his head. Danny pats Derek on the cheek with a wink before flopping down on top of Jackson, his head landing on Jacksons stomach and forcing the breathe right out of him. Jackson growls but doesn't try to retaliate, instead letting one of his hands fall down to comb through Danny's hair.

Derek gives Danny a small grin before turning to look back over at Stiles. A slight breeze beginning, blowing soft cool air throughout the courtyard and Derek watches as a few of Stiles papers fly off the table, Stiles trying to grapple at them uselessly and almost flinging his half eaten apple away. Derek jumped up before he'd even made a conscious thought, and he easily leaves his sketchbook and supplies with Danny and Jackson as he grabs Stiles papers.

He's looking around, in case he hadn't caught all the papers, only to walk into Stiles himself. His heart stops beating for a moment and he swallows nervously, one of his hands going out to grab Stiles by the arm to stop him from falling. "I... here are your papers." He rushes out, handing them gently to Stiles and letting him go once he was sure the younger omega wasn't going to fall over (he had a tendency to fall wayyy to much for Derek's taste, it always gave him heart palpitations). Derek pushes his glasses back up and Stiles blinks at him for a few seconds before looking down at his papers.

"Thanks... Um... You..." Stiles bites his lip, his eyes flicking between Derek's eyes to his nose and cheek where a dark smudge of graphite sat. Stiles kind of wants to lick it off... Then again Stiles kind of wants to just lick Derek all over, almost every omega and beta Stiles knew wants to do the same (some of the Alpha's even). "You've got some graphite right..." Stiles motioned to his own face, and almost immediately Derek's hand goes up to his face, his ears and his neck going a little pink.

"I. I..." Derek blinks and turns away, rushing back over to where the rest of the Lacrosse team is grouped around Danny and Jackson.

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