She's mine! No she's mine!

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Rachel's P.O.V

I'm going home today! WOOOH! At least now, I get to see the boys.

So right now, I'm in the lobby waiting for El to pick me up, but I see a glimpse of this woman dressed in all black. Completely.

I must admit that it's a bit weird that she's dressed in all black. Woman in black..

Oh carrots! She's looking my way!

Act natural Rach, act natural. And so I do, although looking natural for me means looking like a sloth.. on the floor.

She stares at me, probably wondering why the fudge I'm on the floor..

I just smiled and waved at her, and she gave me a confused face and scurried off, rather quickly?

Hmm, whatever floats her boat.

I realised I was still on the floor looking like a sloth, so I got up and brushed myself off. And sat on the floral patterned couch.

Like on cue, El walked straight through the grand hotel doors, she was dressed in her superman tee, black leggings, bright blue doc martens and a black cardigan.

"WHY YOU SO PRETTY?!" I questioned her, whilst grabbing my bags.

"Hello to you too Rach?" She responded. We both just giggled as we made our way to he car.

El looked at me and asked "So you excited to see the boys?"

I looked at her and violently nodded my head.

"I miss Lou to be honest" I spoke truthfully.

"But I need to see if my mums okay though.." I spoke softly.

El just gave me a sympathetic look and said "Don't worry, she's fine!"

I hope so.. I thought


The journey to the house was mostly quiet. not the awkward quiet, the calming quiet.

I ferociously knocked on the door, and it flung open, like a catapult had flung back.

My eyes meets Niall's.

We just stare into each others for a few more seconds and then we just automatically hugged. Gosh, I missed these hugs soo bad!

El squeezed passed us both and greeted the guys, whilst I was still hugging Niall.

Niall released our cherishing hug and whispered "I missed you Rach.."

I looked at him in awe and whispered back "I missed you too Nialler.."

We looked at each others faces, and laughed.

Until Niall questioned me, "Why did you sound nervous when we were on the phone a few days back? I wanted to talk to you soo bad, but you then you hung up on me.." He sounded so hurt.

"Erm, look I'm really sorry about that, I was just erm nervous to talk to you Ni." Carrots! Rachel you just lied to you're crush!

Niall looked at me in the eyes, looking confused and a bit set back, but then nodded his head in understanding, and walked away.

Great. Well done Rachel, you've just been found out that you lied to you're crush!

When I walked through the thin hallway, I turned right and met the familiar living room.

I smiled and waved at the boys. I saw my brother Lou, and ran and hugged him.

He knew it'd be hard for me when I was in my hotel room for the week. he smiled at me and whispered in my ear "You did it Rach, you did it!"

Louis I have something to tell you.. (One Direction+Werewolf Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now