Suicide attempt...

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Rachel's P.O,V

I can't do this anymore, I really can't. I just still can't get over my head what Louis had done to me, who would've thought that even a member of your family would ask a horrible and forceful man to rape you? I don't know.

I've not once come down stairs, Niall's been trying to get me out and so have the other boys and El.

But they don't understand, it's hard when you feel like the only person you loved and whom you looked up to, just trashed the love of what they have for you away in a recycling bin.

Recycling bin why you may ask? Well, because when you bin something it's recycled into something else. So that means Louis will be trashing someone else's love for him in a recycling bin like he did to me.


I can actually go to the police and get Louis and the random rapist and get them put in jail! MUHAHAA!! But wait, why put them into jail, when I can get on Louis nerves?

I think I have an idea.. Right here it goes...

Louis P.O.V

I can't stand this torcher! I've had enough, I was supposed to be a protector, guider and brother. I shouldn't even deserve to talk to her, who am I kidding eh? She hates me. And she's a friggin werewolf! She can EAT ME! But I can eat her too! Yes I'm a werewolf, don't tell anyone!

She can call the police on me! Oh no, I need to call Hazza! He'll calm me down!




"Hello?" Harry answered.

"Hazz, I have something to own up to you, and the guys!" I said.

"What up Boobear?" Harry replied.

I told Harry from when me and Rachel had the argument because of she admitted she was a you know what, right up to me admitting to Rachel that I technically told a random man to rape her.

After I admitted to everything, the phone went dead and realised Harry had hung up.

I should've known. I thought. As my head started spinning and I passed out on something hard, and let the blackness take over my frustrating mind.


I woken up groggily, and I just had a massive impact hit me in the face. That could only mean one thing. EARTHQUAKE!!! I quickly jumped up, and then realised it wasn't an earthquake, it was the impact of guilt from yesterday?

Yes, yes it was stupid!

Shuttup, don't judge me?

I don't need to judge you, you should just die, yeah that's right, DIE!

I can't! I have a family!

What family? When they hear what you did to poor Rachel, they'll hate you!

I kept arguing with myself for about a good two minutes, until my stomach growled. Oh right I haven't eaten anything for seventeen hours, I swear, Harry is supposed to be living in this apartment with me?

Oh yeah.. He hates me, just like EVERYBODY ELSE! As I went to the fridge, I spotted some carrots, and as you do, eat them!

But of course I peeled them, then put the peels into the bin, and put the peeler into the dishwasher. After that, I went to the kitchen bin and took the bin bag out and then fastened a knot at the top of the black bin bag and carried it through the hallway.

As I opened the door, the forceful wind blew my cheeks up high, probably about three millimetres.

I carried the black bin bag down the apartment steps and spotted the black bin. I opened the diseased lid up and threw the bag into the forever lonely darkness.

I trudged back to the apartment, but trying not to be blown over, I jogged up the steps and clambered inside like a pirate. As you do?

I climbed onto the sofa in the living room, and just buried my head deep into the soft, velvety and plushed cushion.

Maybe I shouldn't live here anymore?

I don't mean in a house, I mean in general life.

I don't deserve to be alive. I deserve to die! Yeah, that's what I'm gunna do!

I'm going to attempt suicide..

Rachel's P.O.V

Today's the day. Yes I'm going to traumatise Louis! I'm going out for the first time in god knows many days.

I said a goodbye to Niall as I was dressed over an hour ago. I was wearing tobacco chinos, with white Converses, a plain white shirt underneath my purple Pineapple jumper. My hair was straight because 1) it's naturally straight. And 2) I can't be bothered to make a cool style.

As I walked out into the really windy street, I decided I'd walk instead of drive today, save money for the petrol I thought.


I've been walking now for just about 15 minutes, I decided I'd have a break and just look at the view, so I thought I'd go on the London Eye for a change. As I waited in line, I realised that only the past 3-4 months has been the most tragic months in my whole entire life. I felt a tear roll along my cheek and I started to clench my fists, and then I felt my claws digging into my skin, really hard. I realised I was gunna turn into my 'animal species' if I carried on. So I forcefully unclutched my fists and made sure my claws went back in properly.

As It was my turn to pay for the man, I entered the London eyes pod doors, and stood right at the back.

I kept thinking of how come dad talks to Louis and not me. And then the whole argument of me being a werewolf between me and Louis.

I've only realised twenty minutes has passed by. Right now, I was right at the highest point the pod can go, and might I say AMAZAYN VIEW! My thoughts were interrupted by a loud...




Wait! What's that? I saw hand prints, moulded on the top of the pod. Wait! That means someone's actually on top of the pod!

I just kinda freaked out. Until I saw something that I would never recall of ever again. My brother Louis William Tomlinson, was jumping from the top of the London Eye.

At first I couldn't move, and I heard gasps from the tourists on the pod. Then my second reaction was to save him. So I did what I had to do. I grabbed the fire hammer from the right side corner and broken the glass, and it shattered into tiny granules of glass. And then I jumped, that's right I JUMPED!

I didn't know what I was doing whilst jumping apart from trying to save my brother, but I knew my brother had enough of life. And so did I.

But our time on Earth isn't going to go to waste now. I'm gunna save my brother.

As we both splattered into the River Thames, I quickly opened my eyes out for search of my brother.

I saw him shaped as a starfish, and quickly shouted for help, until a boat came up to us, about five metres away. It had red and blue lights flashing.


"HELP PLEASE!!" I shouted and splashed everywhere to get the boat drivers attention. I felt like something was pulling on my leg, and then realised it was an old scarf attached to a little fish. No biggy, I thought.

The ambulance boat driver saw me, and dived into the unhealthy river, and brought me and Louis up to his boat. He asked for backup, and then I realised something. Louis not breathing!


A/N Hello my lil cupcakes!! ;) Hows you lot? I bet your all fine :D Hope you like the chappy!! I do!!


Sophie x

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