Chapter 2: Crazy's I believe the medical term

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After a very boring day of art, English, Algebra and Science; Lucifer and Valentine got to go home. They parted ways with _____, Jet and Cas and walked the opposite way of them home.

Lucifer's POV: I tossed and turned in my bed at night. I couldn't sleep, I kept remembering everything. I don't want to remember. I DON'T WANT TO REMEMBER! "I DON'T WANT TO REMEMBER!" I woke up screaming. I ran into Valentines room right next to mine.

"Vi, Vi wake up!" I said shaking him on the verge of tears.

"I'll kill you all!" He screamed as he jolted up out of bed.

"Luc?" He said looking at me with tears streaming down his face.

"You had that dream too?" I asked him shaking. He nodded and I hugged him tightly.

"We're not going back there Luc, we can't, I don't want to!" He cried.

"Shh, we're okay, we're going to be okay now."

Lucifer and Valentine where enrolled at the elite private school Lance Academy. They where trouble makers to say the least, but nonetheless they where at the top of their class. They had everything going for them, good grades, good looks, popular... or at least that was before the incident. Lucifer was first. There parents came home from work for a week and for that entire week it was nothing but hell on earth for him. Lucifer and Valentines parents where very abusive. They're mother was the worst, she had Lucifer make her a pot of tea and when she didn't like it, we dumped the boiling contents into his head. He screamed in pain and Valentine came running. But before he could reach his brother there father grabbed him and pulled him away from Lucifer and into another room where he proceeded to hit, beat and whip Valentine. That night there parents went out leaving Lucifer and Valentine alone. Valentine was locked in the room where he was beaten to a bloody pulp.

"Lucifer!" He screamed out for his brother.

"Valentine!" Lucifer yelled in front of the door.

"Unlock it hurry before they come back!" He begged. The door unlocked and Valentine ran out of the room and into his brothers arms. He looked at Lucifer to see that he had burns on his arms and a few patches on his face. "Mother is a bitch!" He yelled,

"So is father for doing this to you." Lucifer said. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." He said carrying his injured brother to there bathroom. Lucifer took a first aid kit out from underneath the sink and started to bandage his brother's wounds.

"I can't keep doing his Lucifer, I'm going to die next time I can feel it."

"No you're not. Now go to bed, I'll take care of mother and father when they come home, you just get some rest okay?" Lucifer said picking up his brother and bringing him into his room. Lucifer left his brother's room and went into the kitchen and grabbed a steak knife from the knife draw. He heard his drunked partens stumble to the door and waited.

"Lucifer you piece of shit, where are you?" His father slurred. Lucifer calmly strolled out of the kitchen, knife in hand.

"Yes father?" He asked innocently.

"Where is your brother I'm not done with him!" There dad hollared.

"I'm afraid that he already went to bed." Lucifer said twirling the knife around in his hand behind his back.

"Then wake him up!" Lucifer laughed,

"No father... I think you should..go to sleep." He growled as he attacked his drunk father. He pounced on his dad, making him fall to the floor.

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