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I was sitting underneath the tent that shaded me and my band mates from the sun shining bright in the clear blue summer sky. I had a long line of fans stretched out in front of me, with items they wanted signed in their hands as they talked excitedly to their friends and other fans.

I finished scribbling my name on someone's CD and smiled up at them, thanking them for listening to our music. They squealed in delight and walked away with their friends, admiring the signatures that increased the value of the maybe fifteen-dollar compact disk they'd bought a while ago.

The next person in line stepped up and I instinctively took their item into my possession (them handing it to me first, of course), asking them to whom I was to make it out to.


My eyes grew wide as I slowly brought my gaze up to see the one person I thought I'd never see again, the corner of her lip curling upward.

"Ruby?" I muttered in disbelief, matching her smirk.

"Yeah. You know, R-U-B-Y."

"No, I...I know how to spell it. But what are you doing here?"

She laughed that laugh I hadn't heard in years. "Getting my favorite album signed, just like everyone else here."

I stared at her blankly, my emotions all over the place. I didn't know how to feel. I didn't know what to think. I didn't expect to see her of all people standing before me that day. And I certainly didn't expect her to be acting this way, not after what had happened between us.

Playing Strangers (Brendon Urie/P!ATD FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now