A chance to know love

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Harry and Draco sat in Transfiguration listening to Professor Mcgonnagal. They were intently listening to everything she was saying. Professor McGonagall had the ability to hold people captive with her teaching. Once the bell rang she dismissed the class to their next class which was potions with the Hufflepuffs. They got down to the class. Professor Snape was much more happier. The potions classroom had undergone an extreme make over. The whole room was brighter. Professor Snape had started wearing different robes and tying his hair back. The whole class was shocked that the Professor could actually hold a decent conversation even with his velvety soft voice that made the gay population and female population of Hogwarts melt. Even the new Professor for Defense against the dark arts melted when he and Severus talked. People wouldn't know the reason for the dramatic change in the Potions master. But Harry and Draco knew the reason. It's because the Defense against the dark arts professor, Vladmirius Dracula and the potions master, Severus Snape were dating. Both Professors didn't know that the Ravenclaws knew about their secret. No one knew as far as they were concerned. But Professor McGonagall knew that they were dating. Hell even the three gossip queens of Hogwarts knew that the two Professors were dating. Surprisingly, the rest of the school didn't know that the newly appointed Ravenclaw head and the Slytherin head were dating which was a good thing. So as the bell rang Professor Snape dismissed the students to their next class which was charms with the Gryffindors. The boys walked into the classroom and Ronald started to be an arse as soon as the boys sat down. Professor Flitwick walked into the classroom and took twenty points from Gryffindor house causing Ronald to gasp in anger and then Professor Flitwick gave him a detention for the rudeness he was being shown from the Gryffindor. His many times great uncle would be very disappointed by his many times great nephew. Minerva was immediately notified of the point losage and immediately wrote to the Weasely family. Telling them their son was being rude in Professor Flitwick's class.

To be continued...

I will try to keep all of my stories up to date my faithful readers. Love you all.

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