Someone you dont know you know XD

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(Sorry it took soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo[needs more Os XD] long)

Dante's POV

I was guarding the gates with Garroth until i saw Jessica coming- well running here ,she then some how teleported to the other side and fainted. She a magic user or something?

Laurance's POV

I chased her to the gates, when i got there i saw her fainted at the other side. I told Dante to open the gates but before I got to her a hooded figure(NOT AARON) zoomed out of the forest and picked her up- err tried to but gave up and just kneeled near her.

"Who are you!" I yelled at the hooded figure

"I am someone you know, but you just dont know it." It said in a distorted voice so i couldnt tell if it was a boy or a girl.

"Why are you here, noones supposed to be near this village." I said

"I am just here to tell you High Priest Zane will be coming here to visit his brother." It said, I havent seen Zane in years.

"Tell him hes not welcomed here!" I yelled

"Dont worry little Laurance, hes changed, well kinda but hes still a really bossy little nugget." It said

"How did you know my name?" I said

"Like I said, I am someone you know, but you just dont know it." It said.

"Stop with the riddle... AND DONT CALL ME LITTLE LAURANCE!" I yelled, sh**, my shadow side is taking control!

Haha, cant even remember your old companion!

Shut up, just dont do anything to hurt her, even though i wanna break her bones, she hasnt harmed anyone yet.

You cant tell me what to do.

"Why? You wanna go bro?" It said

"Yeah" My shadow side said

This will be fun.

Unless I stop you first

"Hmm you became a shadow knight-" it closed its eyes and opened them. "A really strong shadow knight." It said with a smirk.

"Get out before I hurt you!" I said trying to take control of my body.

Its useless, I am stronger than you.


"Nah, I always wanted a strong opponent" it said then took its mask off. "My names Snowflake, just so you know my name before I 'die'" she said sarcastic- wait that name... NO SHE- SHE CANT- SHE DIED

°•Flashback :3 •°

I was playing around in the tree house near the orphanage, I was 7 at that time, I only had one friend there, she was a rabbit but she acted and lived like she was human, we were both playing and laughing in the treehouse until she started to stare out the window with wide eyes.

"Whats wrong?" I said, she didnt reply and only pointed to the forest. I looked alittle closer and saw red eyes staring at us from the shadows. I stepped back, suddenly there was a spark at the bottom of the tree, then turned into a big fire. I jumped out of the tree house as fast as I can.

"LAURANCE HELP!" She screamed, I looked up and saw that her hoodie(who could this hooded bunny be ;3) was caught on a tree branch, I stood up and ran to save her but the tree burst into flames sending me flying back.

"SNOWFLAKE!!!" I screamed, I cried for days after, I always remebered that day until I met Aphmau...

,*Back to minecraftia*,•

"S-Snowf-f-fla-ke?" I said, she started laughing.

"Hehe stop with the chit chat and fight me!" She said, my shadow side charged at her, at the last second she pulled out a sword and blocked his attack.

"Impressive" my shadow side said(imma just call it shadow cus im lazy :p) and charged at her again this time she just stood there.

"I've been training." she said, she put her hand up and shadow stopped.

What the, dude stop holding back its useless, she'll die anyway.

Im not doing it.





I win

I got control of my body back, I was confused. I looked at the gates and saw Dante and Garroth both looking confused too.

"You lose I win, unless you want a battle to the DEATH!" She said, I saw Garroth and Dante shiver.

"H-how are you a-a-alive?" I said

"Who said I am?." She said

"Y-your dead?" I said

"I am neither dead nor alive, the reason... is... a story for another time." She said and growled, Jessica started to wake up.

"Ugh my head." I heard a voice say, it was Jessica.

"Ah your awake A-Jessica." Snowflake said smiling but then put her mask back on.

"You? I didnt know you would be here I thought you would only appear in the other book- ugh village library." Jessica said

"You two know each other?" I said

"Yes, and shes pretty annoying." Jessica said.

"HEY atleast I ain't boring, anyway Zane's going to come here anytime now and if you even dare to hurt him.
YoUR gOiNg TO HavE A bAd tImE." Snowflake said.

"ZANE!" Jessica yelled and fainted again.

"Ugh I think she needs a doctor." Snowflake said.

"Yeah" I said.

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