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Naina's P.O.V

After everything I heard about Maya I never thought that's how our first meet in person would be... I can't wait to catch up with Rahul! I missed him so much! I have to catch him up on everything! Last time I saw him was the 3 year of High School! I wonder if he has his eyes set for any one specific... I know I do!


Maya's P.O.V

He loves me... he loves me not... he loves me... he loves me not... he loves me! Ever since Naina arrived he is non-stop with her and Rohit! They have stolen Rahul away from me! How come he never told me about Naina?

Are they more than friends... AHH! Don't think like that Maya!


Rahul's P.O.V

I've missed Naina and Rohit so much! I need to find out what's up with Maya she has been M.I.A ever since Rohit and Naina transferred here... It's so strange! I mean what the hell! We've been friends since the first day of college...


(Rahul and Naina are at a café down the street from the college)

Rahul- Naina... it's been a long time, catch me up on everything I missed!

Naina- Okay, hmm remember Dev Patel from middle school?

Rahul- Who can forget that kid! What about him?

Naina- Well, he is not the same band geek, 4 foot tall acne covered nerd! He is so... what's that word... HOT!

Rahul- Looks like someone has their eyes set on the one and only Dev Patel (Laughs viciously)

Naina- Dev! Please! In his dreams! You know you still haven't changed your still a dumb bastard.

Rahul- Hey, you know me!

Naina- Yeah I do, you're a cheap slimy bastard who will never change!

(Both laugh)

Rahul- So how is The college? You like it?

Naina- It's really nice, but very confusing!

Rahul- Where has Rohit been? Haven't seen the guy since the other day when we all went to the Mall...

Naina- What do you think? He's a guy... and college has many beautiful girls, so I think that's the answer to you extremely stupid question.

Rahul- What a stud.

Naina- And your much better?

Rahul- Yes, I don't chase girls. They chase me... but I have eyes for only one girl in my life right now.

Naina- Who me? (Giggles)

Rahul- Not even in your wildest dreams!

Naina- You wish it was me!

Rahul- Nah, you're like a sister to me and I wouldn't give our close friendship up for anything in this world!

Naina- How sweet!

Rahul- Don't call me sweet.

Naina- Shut the hell up!

(Both laugh, Naina picks Rahul's phone up and runs out of the café. Rahul follows her and she stops out front not knowing which way to run, he catches up to her and confronts her)

Rahul- What the hell Naina! Why'd you take my phone?

Naina- You're a bloody bore sometimes so I lifted the sad mode!

Rahul- I'm a bloody bore?! You should hear yourself sometimes!

Naina- Oh really, well...

Rahul- Well... nothing to say?

Naina- Shut up and give me a hug!

(As Rahul goes in for the hug Maya turns the corner and sees the next 2 minutes she can't erase from her mind)

Rahul- I've missed you Naina, I love ya!

Naina- Want me to call you sweet again?

Rahul- no...

Naina- Then stop talking so much from the heart, you'll make me cry! I love you too!

Rahul- Don't tell anyone at college I'm a big load of cookie dough and have a mushy heart, it'll ruin my rep!

Naina- Rep? Ha, that's funny!

Rahul- Shut up, let's go!

Naina- Okay.


Maya's P.O.V

The words he said to her keep ringing in my mind,

Naina, I love ya!

Why would he say that to her? I mean their friendship can't be more then friendship... can it? He has never said "I love you" to someone before, that's the first time I heard it slip from his mouth and land in some ones heart. I can never erase that moment from my mind now, it's is permanently sketched in my mind. Does he really love her? Or was he just so happy it just escaped his mouth? God, show me a sign if it's love or not please! I can't live with this pain stabbing my heart every day! I Love Rahul, I can't and won't live without him. I Love Rahul.

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