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IMAGINEㅣDating Yoongi Means...

●Letting him sleep with his head on your knees while you're on the phone or something
●Telling you to gain some weight because your thighs are "too firm to lie on"
●Random hand kisses, finger kisses, thigh kisses from him
●Watching funny videos and memes together as you both are lying comfortably on the couch
●Telling him to go sleep in the living-room because he works on his masterpieces late at night
●Not being able to handle it, going to the living-room and embracing him in a tight hug as his face brightens up and he smiles widely.
●Private space for the both of you
●Not showing any kind of affection in public, sometimes even seeming cold towards you
●But once you're alone, he's a bun of fluff
●Casually resting his hand on your knee/thigh because it feels nice and comfortable
●Putting headphones on you and letting you hear what he's currently working on
●Asking what you like and what you don't like about it
●Lazy sex in the morning
●Watching him being hyper with the boys and laughing your butt at the faces he makes
●Constantly letting you know he finds you the most attractive of them all
●Watching him bring his head down to hide his flustered expression when you tell him you love him in front of someone else
●Movie marathons where you fall asleep in the middle of the first movie
●And he probably blames it on you, saying you chose the most boring movies in history
●Kumamon everything. Everywhere.
●"Min Yoongi, I swear to God, when will you learn to put down the toilet seat?!"
"I thought I did?!" while scratching his head
●Being able to get everything you want with the magic word of "oppa"
●"What the heck is that, Min Suga? Why are you wearing that?"
"This woman, can't you see? It's called swag."
"You look like an unemployed clown."
●But he would change his clothes anyways. Because he trusts you
●Smiling warmly to himself when he gets text messages from you
●And when someone asks him what it was, he hides his screen and doesn't let anyone see
●Replying to your texts as soon as possible
●Rarely telling you how he feels about you. Instead, he shows his love with actions
●But when he does starts talking about his feelings, he's unstoppable and adorable
cr. Arukuroppa

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