13: Monkeys & Tattoos

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~Hey, guys! Gonna be an easy chapter. But before I let you read I need your opinion: Damon or Jeremy with a Bonnie twin?

It's an idea I've had for a little while but when I've tried to write I saw it going either way. Jeremy would be her best friend & Damon would be the hot new guy into town. I just don't know. (Just tying to make a list of my ideas so far, see which I can get going)

P.S--Doesn't Nina Dobrev look adorable in that picture? But I'll let you read now 😄😄


Chapter Thirteen

"Mm. Love you," Stefan mumbled against my lips.

"Love you more. Have fun with Bonnie," I mumbled back, pecking his lips.

"Have fun with Damon," he retorted and I chuckled.

"I'll see you at two, right?" I asked him.


"Can't wait for our date," I said.

"Same. I'm going to leave then come back and shower, etc."

"Mm. Wait for me for that shower," I smirked.

"Okay. Go, Damon's waiting and I don't want to be late meeting Bonnie and her mom, Abby," he said, kissing me once more.


"So you're the prime suspect, huh?" Damon teased. He was on the phone with Elena. He had the phone on speaker so I could hear the news. Sheriff Forbes came by the house with the stake that killed the medical examiner, Brian Walters, it was a stake from the lake house. The only clean set of prints were Elena's.

"She doesn't think that I did it, she's just trying to find out why somebody used my family's weapon to kill a Council memeber," Elena replied. I was staying quiet. I was still mad she made a move on my boyfriend. I don't know if Damon knows or not. I wasn't planning on telling him either. Unlike her I wasn't trying to ruin her love life.

"Well, why don't you ask Ric if his dirty little doctor had access to the weapons."

"You're on speaker phone, dick," Ric chimed in.

"I'm just saying the first suspect is usually the right one. Don't get so defensive."

"Brian Walters was killed days ago. I didn't show Meredith this until last night," Alaric said.

"It wasn't Meredith," Elena said.

"But Brian was her ex-boyfriend," Damon reminded them. "And Ric saw them fighting that night."

"It's not Merdith, okay?" She snapped. "I refuse to believe that your luck with women is that tragic," the end part directed at Ric.

"Who else knows about you secret little slayer stash?" Damon asked.

"Who doesn't? I got weapons everywhere. Here, the school, my loft, your car," Ric replied.

"It's Klaus. It has to be. He's screwing with us."

"What if it was Stefan?" Elena mumbled. "He was crazy that night. You know, he was trying to get under Klaus' skin. He was capable of anything."

"Ah, makes me nostalgic for the time when Stefan was a bunny-snacking pacifist," Damon sighed teasingly.

"Stefan, didn't do it," I stated, rolling my eyes.

"Kenzie?" Elena gasped.

"How do you know?" Ric asked.

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