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Chapter 1:

It was early in the moring, 5:30. I heard my mum calling.

I can't believe we have to go to another country. It all started when dad said we'll be going on a family vacation for two months on North Wales. But after two months we ended up going to Nortgern Ireland then we went to Switzerland after that. Me my brother and sisters are all home schooled. We barely have any friends. I just wish that one day we will be able to stay to a country for atleast a year.

"Valerie, breakfast is ready!" My mum yelled from downstairs.

"I'll be right there with you! Just let me take a bath!" I replied.

I grabbed my towel and went straight to the bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and hopped on the shower. I felt the hot water hit my skin and I felt it as it went down my body.


When I was finished I decided to put on a grey rolled-up sleeve top, Jeans and some toms. I decided to just wear lipgloss. I put my phone and sunglass in my purse and went down to eat breakfast. I ate some toast and drank my juice and went to brush my teeth.

After I brushed my teeth I decided to go to my empty room again and just roam around and think of stuff. I walked in and staired outside the window. I opened it and the warm breeze made me closed my eyes shut but instead of admiring it I felt really stranged and an image apeared on my mind. There was a house, a big one. Trees where scattered everywhere. I opened my eyes and shook it off. It felt stranged, like really really strange. I thought dreams where only supposed to appear when you are asleep?

"Valerie, hurry up we have a plane to catch!" My dad yelled making me snap out of my thoughts.

I rushed down stairs and saw my mum and dad at the living room all ready to go.

"Where's Vincent, Victoria and Vanessa?" I asked

"On the car waiting for us" Dad answered.

"Oh. Sorry to keep you waiting" I said. He nodded and lead me towards the car. Mum locked the house and followed behind us. Soon we're all inside and dad started the engine. 


We arived at the airport and got to the plane. I took one last glance out the window to see the plane starting to fly. I'm really gonnna miss Australia. I wonder what Cansas would be like. 

I originaly came from London in U.K. Oh how I miss the busy streets and the cold weather there.  


"Valerie, Valerie. Valerie!" I felf my brother shook me as he yelled. "We're here get up you lazy idiot" He said as he gave me a slap.

"Vincent what did I told you about hitting your sisters and calling them names?" My mum scolded.

"Hahhaha" I chuckled after gaining my vision back. "You're 21 but you still get into trouble more often than I do" I added .

"Valerie get up we are living after 5 minutes" My dad said.

"Okay, I'm up!" I said as I raise my voice a little bit.  


We went out the plane and got our stuff. Soon enough we where all out and dad went to the place where you rent cars.

He rented a Black Land Cruiser big enough for all of us. We drove off and I just stared out the window. It's nearly winter here in Chicago. It's August 1 and I admired how the light of the sun peeped out of the thick clouds above. 


We arrived at the house. Victoria went out first and I followed behind her and so are the others. I gasped all of a sudden. I reach to my purse and took out the small notebook I got. I flip trough the pages until I saw my drawing. It was a drawing of the house in my vision. It was big and there's alot of trees scuttered everywhere.

Everything shocked. I stood there in dis-belief, just starring to the house.

"Are you okay, Val?" My dad asked carring some boxes.

"Uhmm, yeah. Just having a little De ja Vu, I guess" I said. He looked at me and chuckled softly.

I got inside and mum showed me my room. Oh great my room is next to Vanessa and Vincent the two most annoying people in this family. Victoria is the only one who doesnt bother me much.

I set out my stuff. I un-packed and neatly arranged it from desk-to-desk and cupboard-to-cupboard.

"Valerie, dinners ready!" My mum yellled.

"Be right there with you!" I replied. I went out of my room, closing the door behind me.

I got downstairs quikly. I sat at my table and started eating dinner. But even though I'm eating my mind is focused on something else. It's just how did the house in my vision became real?

"Valerie are you okay?" My dad said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Umm... Yes" I said. I guess I'm just not feeling okay, can I go to my room?"

"Oh, yes you may. By the way the pils are on the cupboard in the kitchen, 3rd one in the left. You need to take it"

"Sure, thanks. Good night dad, good night mum" I said as I got up from my seat and kissed there foreheads.

I brushed my teath and washed my face. I got into my pajamas, tank top and. decided to put my hair in a messy bun.

After a couple of twist and turns around my bed I found myself dozing off to sleep.

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