Chapter 2: The First Time

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I got into a dark forest the moon was shining brightly. Trees looks like they were black because of the colour of the forest. The only source of light was the full moon.

I hear rustling noises on the bushes. Then suddenly a flash went and a cold breeze came with it. It made me shiver and my heart started beating so fast. I grew nervous with every second that I spent on that forest. 

finally a tall figure appeared. 

It was a guy. Human I think? 

He has dark brown hair sort of in a quiff, his skin was really pale, his lips were red and so was his teeth. He was coming towards me in a speed I can never ever describe. He was fast. Suddenly my visions started to blur and I couldn't get a proper image of what's going on anymore. 


I woke up. I was panting. I took a glance at my side only to found some of my pillows and my comforter on the ground. It wasn't a dream anymore it was a nightmare.

I went out of my room not bothering to close the door behind me. 

I got to the kitchen and made myself some coffee ad toast. I checked the time it was 4:30, oh great I only have 5 hours of sleep. I grabbed my toast and coffee and I sat on the couch. I opened the t.v and a news was on.

"I'm Steve Louise and I'm reporting live from Kansas where a man was founded dead. He was taken for otopsy this morning and it was said that his blood was all drained" The reporter said. "We gathered witneses as much as we could" He continued.

The camera was focused on a different direction in the direction of a woman who looks like in her early 20's. Below the screen her name was writen, it was Jane Russel.

"Well I was just sitting at home and drinking coffee when I heard a noise. It was really loud so I went to check it out. I saw the door it was destroyed and I just saw a guy there dead" She said with fear in her eyes.

In the screen there came another person. It was a boy and bellow it read, James Cunnington, Cousin of the victim.

"His name is Darrel Cunnington. He was my cousin. I was just buying sone food to eat. When I came back I saw the door destroyed and went inside to check what happened but instead I sas Darrel laying there. He looks really pale and his eyes were open. He was really cold" He said. His words slowly fading and tears were threatening to fall from his eyes.

I off the t.v. I looked at the clock it was 5:00 am so I decided I'll go for a walk.

I put on my shorts, tank top and put my hair in a pony tail. I grabbed my phone and headphones and headed downstairs. I decided to leave a note at the coffee table so my mum won't get worried.

I went out of the house and into the streets of Kansas. They were'nt so many people around. The streets were dark as if it was dead. The sun didn't come out yet. The only source of light was the few street lights and the full moon.

I was walking and walking but there was this dark forest that caught my attention. It looks a bit scary but it also looks peaceful.

I entered it slowly. I was looking everywhere, always keeping myself aware of whats going on. The lights from the street lights faded and the only source of light now is the full moon.  

My headphones were still plug into my ears. I'm listening to E.T by Katy Perry.

After what seems like 2 minutes the song ended and I decided to put the headphones in my pocket and pay attention more to my surroundings.

The tip of my hair tickled my neck as it swayed with every step I take. 

I heard Rustling noises on the bushes. Then a flash went and a cold breeze came with it. 

I just realized it was like my dream earlier which means there's gonna be a guy.

I was right. A guy with a quiff, pale skin, red lips and red teeth appeared. Except I saw something. It looks like fangs. What?! This couldn't be a vampire things like that don't excist.

"Who are you?" I said nervously."What are you doing here?" I added.

He won't give me any answers.  

He gave me a smirk and he approached me. He was very fast. 

Next thing I knew he was behind me.

"Stay away" He said. "Stay away if you wonna live" His last words echoed in my mind.

Another flash and cold breeze came I looked behind me to find the person gone.

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