Hope is ...

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Hope is like a friend 

It's always there for you 

keeping you happy

Making sure that you have and keep a target 

It will push you and push you 

making you think that you will succeed your target

making you think that you havepotential to win

But when you're a step away from winning thinking "yes, everything is going to be ok"

that friend will leave 

maybe even say some horrible shit about you 

then they just vanish 

you will break down 

taking small steps backwards 

backing away from your once called target 

because there is no point anymore 

you can't do it 

you don't have anyone to lean on

you don't have anyone to catch you 

you don't have anyone 

you start running 

running away from your finish line 

you finally reach where you was before you have friend 

back to when you was alone 

your back to where you started 

but you keep running 

you don't have any breath left 

you can't breath 

but you're still running 




until you fall

your falling 

it takes hours 


you have finished falling 

but you're not asleep

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