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i twist the knob, pushing the door open. as i hear the little bell above the door ring, the smell of baked goods and coffee begin to dance into my lungs. i smile slightly, clutching my notebook to my chest. looking around, i see that my favorite place to write and drink coffee is almost empty, a few usual customers scattered throughout the shop. i walk up to the counter, saying hi to shy boy i claim to be my friend. i gave him the exact change, knowing the amount by heart, being here almosy everyday for the past four months.

i walk over to the table close to the window, sitting down and taking a pencil out of my bag. opening the small black notebook i bought on sale a few weeks ago, i continue to write my latest novel. the story takes place here in a small city in California. boy meets boy, love at first sight, blah blah blah. its the classic sappy romance plot everyone loves.


i step into the shop, going straight to the counter. ive been here so many times in the past year, i'm friends with all the staff. i ask the girl at the counter, autumn, for ashton, the shy older boy i fell in love with in middle school. now that were in high school, weve become closer and we talk quite frequently.

"ash, do you have any other books you would like to donate to the library? its been really busy the past few weeks, books have been borrowed, given away, lost, there's only seven left in there," i say. ashton nods, walking to the nearest table and cleaning it.

"i have a few, i think you'd like them. theres a one or two by john, i know youre keep them. ill bring them in tomorrow." i smile at the thought of another john green book. ive read alot of his books in the past month and i think its safe to say hes my favorite author at the moment.

i ask ashton for a chocolate chip cookie. he says hell get it as soon as he goes on his break. while waiting, i look around the shop. i notice the slight changes, the ceiling now has cute fall things including leaves and pumpkins. i look at the people around the shop, stopping at one certain individual. he was already looking at me. i flash him a smile and wave. as soon as i do, i notice him blush and look back down at his notebook. wonder what hes writing...

. . .
hello!! the worst writer ever is back! and worse than ever!

anyways, if youre reading this im so sorry its shorter than my attention spa- o look a wild calum has appeared!

but fR im sorry, i just keep going back and changing things cause i want it to be good but its not and uGh. i am sorry i will make it longer, the chapters will just have to build up for now. just wait, i promise im not a complete failure.

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