Chapter 6

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I woke up to someone shaking me. "Wake up Aura. We have to go."
I groaned and looked up to see Andy. "Oh, okay, can you get my bag. Its the black one over there. It has all my stuff in it. Take it to...the bus?"
Andy laughed. "Yes we're going in the bus, now get up and get ready." So when he walked out of the room I got dressed in my batman Tank top. Black skinny jeans and some combat boots. I grabbed my bag that Andy didn't get and walked out of my room to downstairs. I found all the band waiting for me. CC was the first one to notice me. "OH MY GOD! ITS MY LITTLE BATMAN! HEY GUURRRL!" Like the first time we met. I rolled my eyes and laughed like everyone else. Andy got up and walk over to me and asked. "You ready to go." I smiled. "Yup."

We all walked out and got into the bus. And we were on out way. "So, who wants to have pancakes?" Andy asked. "MEEE!" I shouted. "I DOO!" Andy laughed, Juliet also laughed, Oh yah I forgot to tell you she's riding with us. Juliet then walked into the kitchen to make them along with Andy. Ash then asked when they were out. "Do you like Hello Kitty?"
I looked at him and grinned. "Yup." He squealed. "HELLO KITTY BUDDY!" And pulled me into a bear crushing hug. "Can't breath!" I say as I tried to get out of the hug.
"Oh sorry, heh." He replied putting me down and scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. I laughed. "Its okay."

Jake then asked. "Do you like Pizza?" I nodded grinning. He squealed jumping up and down like a kid. 

"PIZZA BUDDY!" But unlike Ash, he didn't hug me he just sat down and stared out into space with a dreamy look on his face. 

Then I smelled the delicious smell of pancakes. "YUMMY!" I shouted and ran into the kitchen to see Juliet and Andy setting the pancakes on the table. They both saw me run in and sit down at the table, laughing as I grinned like an idiot while I wait for them to let me get my share of pancakes. "How many do you want?" Juliet asked. I held up 3 fingers. Juliet smiled. "Three pancakes coming up for my beautiful daughter." She put the pancakes on the plate and put it in front of me. Then everyone else came in to get their pancakes. Not long we were all sitting quietly at the table eating pancakes. We were pretty much all stuffing our faces, I mean these are AWESOME pancakes.

"Hey mom." I say as I look at her.
"Yes honey?" She replies.
"Do you think that everyone will like me?"
She smiles. "Mine and Andy's fans will love you, promise."

Everyone laughed then got back to eating their awesome pancakes. Once we were done eating everyone left the table leaving their plates. But Juliet and I. "GUYS GET BACK IN HERE!" Juliet shouted angrily. They all popped their heads in. "Yeah?" They all replied at the same time. Juliet glared at them as I cleaned my plate off at the sink then putting it in the dish washer. "Clean up you mess and put your dishes in the dish washer..NOW!" She said in a dangerous voice. Dang she is pretty scary. "Y-yes ma'am." They all said and cleaned up their mess. I laughed at how scared they were. Even Andy was scared.

"That's my mom for yah." I say and hug her. She laughed. "Yup."

When everyone was done cleaning up we all went into the part of the bus with a TV, sitting on the couch trying to agree on which movie we should watch.
Andy was arguing that we should watch batman, while Ash said Superman, Jake said How to train your dragon, Jinxx just sat back not getting into the fight. Since Juliet was still in the kitchen I jumped in so they can stop fighting. "Okay how about we watch Deadpool and get over it!"

They all looked at me and agreed. Andy then picked up the remote and turned on the TV going on Vudu and picking Deadpool. For the rest of the night we watched it. The last half I fell asleep.

~Time skip brought to you by Unicorns~
I woke up to CC squealing at how cute a dog was when we drove past it. I sat up groaning and rubbing my eyes. I yawned. I took my phone looking at the time. My eyes popped out. 1:00! They should of woke me up! I scrabbled out of bed throwing cloths on and brushing my teeth and hair. I then walked out of my room. Wait....when did I get into here. Eh, who cares. I walked into the kitchen to see Andy and Juliet kissing. I covered my eyes. "Get a room." I say.

Juliet and Andy laughed and turned to me. "You're up." Andy says happily. I glared at him. "Why didn't you wake me up??? Its like 1:30!" I growled.

He put his hands up. "Hey you looked peaceful." He replied. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room into the living room, plopping myself onto the couch grabbing the remote turning on the TV. I thought about what to put on. The walking dead or Batman cartoons. I put on Batman Cartoons and watched it. I sighed when CC came in pouting plopping himself next to me on the couch. "Who blew your bubble?" I asked raising a eyebrow. CC groaned. "Ash was being mean, he didn't let me have some of his Hair spray." I rolled my eyes. CC then suddenly perked up. "We're going to be at Warped Tour by 4:00, and the concert is at 12:30 tomorrow."
I looked at him and squealed. "Will I be able to come?"
"I'll ask Andy." He grinned jumping up to go find my dad.

I then went back to watching batman. CC finally came back when the cartoon ended. He was grinning like and idiot. "He said that you WILL come because he wanted to introduce you to our fans." He said.

"YESH I CAN'T WAIT!" I shouted.

CC laughed.
I hope you liked this chapter! The next chapter will be their concert. :3

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