Chapter 11

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We all sat at the table while I was licking my amazing strawberry ice cream. "So," I began. "Where to next?" Andy smiled. "We are going to St. Louis Missouri."

I squealed. "I've always wanted to see the arch!" I jumped out of my chair and walked to the refrigerator. "We will have time to see the arch right?" I questioned. Jake nodded. "I think we will."

"Oh yes we will, I'm taking her there, whether you like it or not." Juliet mused. I run up behind her and gratefully hugged her. "Thank you mom!" I grinned. Juliet chuckled. "You're welcome sweetie."

We all went into the bunks to watch some TV together. "I think we should watch Ghost Adventures." I voted. CC shook his head. "No, we should watch Ghost whisperer." He said. I mentally face palmed. "Dude, that's just another ghost show, how about we watch the Hauntings or something?"

CC shook his head. "No, The Hauntings too scary." CC seemed to have a scared look on his face just thinking about it. Jake laughed. "Ha, you're scared of something like that?" Ashely rolled his eyes. "Can you guys shuddup, we're going to watch SpongeBob."

My eyes widen and I screeched. "Hell no, not that shit!" Andy threw his hands up. "That's it, we're watching batman whether you guys want to or not." He popped in the disk of The Dark Knight. I whined. "I don't wanna though."

"Too bad."




"That wasn't nice." Andy noted. I rolled my eyes. "Well calling your daughter an ass isn't either." I shot back.

Andy grabbed the remote and press play to start the movie. I started to pretend to snore, as if I was bored. CC, Jake, and Ashely started to giggle. I noticed Jinxx wasn't here and shrugged. Andy hit me in the back of the head. "Ow!" I squeaked. "What was that for?"

"Don't act like you're bored." He said.

"But I am." I replied. He rolled his eyes and we continued to watch the movie, about half way through the movie, the person driving the bus called back to us. "About 1 more hour until we reach St. Louis!"

I squealed in delight. "I can't wait!"

Soon, Oh very soon. I will be in my favorite state. Don't ask me why, its always been my favorite state.

To be continued.....


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