A little walk in the woods never hurt nobody

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____Charlies P.O.V____
Everything started to change one march day in 10th grade. That day happened so fast I didn't know what to think of it. I mean it started off like ever other day me and Mereidth were walking home from school, then it all started going haywire.

As we were walking we saw a boy start to walk in the woods. That boy also just happened to be the kid Meredith was crushing on since 6th grade.
Meredith grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the woods.

"Mere, where are we going?" I ask worryingly

"To talk to him!" Meredith replied excitedly," I'm gonna tell him I like him! Or well you are...."

Confused I said," I'm gonna tell him I like him? Sorry mere but he's not my type." I suddenly feel a pain in the back of my head "Owwwwww! Meredithhhhh."

"You know what I mean Charzard!" She yelled at me

Suddenly she squealed and ran off. I was at this point very confused I ran into the direction she went. I ran for a while till a came to a cliff. Their she stood looking apond the town. I ran up to stand next to her. She still didn't look at me.


"I'm sorry Charlie....for running and for this...." she says quietly

"What do you mean for this mere?" I say confused at her words but the in the next for seconds those feelings quickly turned to anger. She looked at my with eyes that were pitch black darker the the night. .....Then she smiled. The smile was one of a predator finally capturing its prey.

Then I felt the air beneath my feet as I was pushed off the cliff. I tried desperately to do anything to stop from falling. But gravity had other plans. So, I plunged into the cold waters below and blacked out.

___Merediths P.O.V___

The last thing I rembered was dragging Charlie into the forest after the guy I liked.

Then I got lost.....lets just say I'm bad with directions. As I was walking I heard a russle thinking it was Charlie I ran towards it. I found myself on a cliff. At the edge of the cliff was a girl her hair was pure black and she had red eyes. On her waist she had two daggers, both looked covered in blood. To say I was scared was an understatement, but for some reason I couldn't run. I could only stare at her.

"Hello my dear~~~ I'm so glad you could make it here tonight" The unknown girl said

"Who are you" I said in a tone that sounded like a whisper.

"Who am i? I'm the one who will change everything. I will bring your one freind with me and end your other freinds."she then laughed menacingly

"W-why.... why would you do that? For another matter who the hell are you?! What have we ever done to you?!" I yelled. I was terrified my freinds where my like family I knew them for so long. We told each other ever little thing....I didn't want to lose that.

"Why you say?" She chuckled sadisticly, "It's because you took her from us. She was ours she belonged to US she was our teammate and freind. Then .......she left us for you. So I will use my power to end your bonds as freinds." She chucked, " Or.....well you will"

Then she was gone from where she was once stood. And with her gone I felt great pain and couldn't move my body like I was being controlled. Just then Charlie came out of the woods and walked up to me. Great timing am I right?


"I'm sorry Charlie....for running and for this...." I says quietly, happy that I could at least talk.

"What do you mean for this mere?" She asks worryingly

Just then my hands worked on their own and pushed her with all my strength....or well my body did. I tried to fight against it...but I was no match. And so,.... I watched as my best freind fell off a cliff in the cold water below.

___Mean While *Unknown P.O.V__

I felt a bad feeling in my stomach and knew something must of happened.
I look up at my freinds and realise two of the we still not their.

"Hey guys where are Mere and Char-char?" I say alittle upset and look around the room

One of the others in the room named Makayla spoke up, "Before school Charlie told me her and Meredith were going to the movies tonight."

I nodded at that and continued to think. I finally sighed and went back to what I was doing hoping nothing was wrong.

____Some Where inside a Volcano___

A guy with a black cloak and black eyes laughed evilly.

"It's time everyone. It's time to get back our lovely leader and end the lives of those who took her away from us. Everyone get your stuff we are going to Dead edge high to meet our old freind." He said with a chuckle.

He turned and walked out."I'm coming for you Charlie." He whispered to himself. Before he slammed the door shut.

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