My old team is like my new team, But not

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"Charlie! Please don't go" someone screams and I didnt have to turn around to know who it was.

"Meredith...I will get you back for trying to kill me ..... and dont call me that anymore, call me............ The killer copy, After all ....I am a MONSTER." And with that I left with Ethan never turning around to say goodbye. I knew something was happeneing something I should be scared of but....I wasn't I was ready.


___Olives P.O.V___

When we saw what happened we were dumb-founded. I know, I know me dumb-founded? Surprising right? I mean I know everything. ....No I'm not being the youngest out of our friends i skipped 3 grades i could of skipped more but well i wanted to have a high school experience. Anyway back to the story.

Charlie...our freind had left us saying she would get revenge....and we couldnt stop her. Her words still were ringing in my head "Meredith...I will get you back for trying to kill me ..... and dont call me that anymore, call me............ The killer copy, After all ....I am a MONSTER."

COULDN'T believe it...I mean what kind of screwed up awesome name is that?! I wish I could be called something cool like that. Dang it I'm off topic.

I looked around the room and then asked the question we were all to afraid to say.

"What do we do about charlie?" I say nervously.

And then as if our prayers had been answered by the devil the reply came

"We go after her, of course and tell her the truth." Meredith stated calmly

Makayla then went to sulk in the corner muttering things about death and that we suck.

"Then what are we waiting for lets go." Jackson says, and with that we left to find our were she was ....but to do that we must first finding out more about her past.

____time skip*___Alains P.O.V___

We had just arrived at Charlie's house....although it was a mansion, She hates when we call it that though. Meredith goes up and knocks on the door and a old man around the age of 70 opens it. His eyes widen in surprise and he then sees everyone but Charlie.

He then sighs his wisdom radiating off him. "Come in. Im assuming you know about Charlie being different then most and are wanting an explanation."

He walks away from the door leaving it open so we could follow him. He sits down on a couch and motions us to sit as well. I sit down on the couch along with makayla and kent. The only ones not sitting were Meredith and Jackson who were either leaning against the wall or just plain standing. And the rapid fire of questions came.

"How can charlie control fire!?" Yelled Meredith

"What happened to her?!" Yelled Olive

"Why didn't she tell us!?!" Said Jackson trying to keep his voice low but failing miserably

"Where can I get powers to?!" Screamed Kent

We all stopped and stared at kent for a few moments.

"What its cool!" He whined after he said that we just ignored him.

"Alright kids. Im old not deaf.....well maybe before this I wasnt. Anyway. Calm down and let me tell you a story about a happy little girl whos life became twisted beyond belief." The man said with a cold edge to his voice.

We all listened to the story not believe, it but all knowing it was the truth.(p.s your not missing a part here you will find out what he said later in the book)

We all walked out knowing what we must do and that was head to mt dune the largest volcano in the world located on an island by Florida. They were going to save their freind...they were determined. The only problem was if charlie would listen or if it was two late.

___Charlie P.O.V___

I knew I should of listened to Meredith but I was blinded by rage. I wasn't myself. We just arrived at the base, a place I haven't been to in awhile. Especially after what happened here last. I went to walk away towards my room. But then someone grabbed my hand. I looked up to see that it was Tara and that Lexi was with her.

Tara had the abiltity to use Speed and is able to control metal. While lexi does Mind manipulations, and she can also Teleport.

They were staring at me and I stared back with a blank expression. Then suddenly lexi spoke.

"So your back huh? Why don't we celerbrate."she said and a smirk appeared on her face. She knew I knew what she meant.

"Fine we will ask Ethan and if he agrees we will go 'party'." I say with a shrug hoping he would say no.

"No need. Lets go everyone." Ethan said as if by saying his name summomed him like the demon he is.

It was at this moment, that I knew that I screwed up. But I wouldn't admit it alot loud. I dug myself a grave and I would see my choices through till the end. And knowing my dumb luck thats just what it would do. The End of me.

And so, I smiles and said,"let's go." Not knowing those two words would change a lot more things.

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