Another day...

147 12 2

Bella Pov

I pulled up in my red Chevy truck, I parked and got out. I looked around as teens point at a new car that spotted them. I rolled my eyes until my big brother Emmett and little sister, Alice park beside me.

"Well, more outsiders" Emmett stated with a wide grin that showed his dimples, yep we are the outsiders because of our looks and money. I mentally rolled my eyes as I look and saw a bronze color hair boy with green emerald eyes walking beside a blonde model of a girl and a guy with blonde curly hair that is walking with a western stride.

I shook my head and got back to fumbling through my music on my MP3 player to try to drown out the gossiping of my little sister Alice and Hearing Emmett drooling over another girl.

The whole classes, I couldn't get those eyes out of my mind...until lunch

Twilove (Twilight fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora