The Next Day

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It was the same routine that I had yesterday ( minus my dad bugging me first thing in the morning.) I rolled out of bed landing on the ground with a big "oomf". I groaned thinking how stupid that was and stood up and walked to the bathroom.

Once I got out I walked to my closet picking out a pair of black leggings and a knit white sweater, topping in off with a pair of black combat boots.

"Breakfast is waiting on the table for you by the way!" My dad yells from downstairs. I immediately turn towards my door and start speed walking to the kitchen. When I got there I noticed my dad was on his way out the door while saying bye to my brother.

"Bye!" I yell right before he closes the door. I turned around and walked to the table where my breakfast was waiting for me, the first thing I thought as I was stuffing a piece of bacon into my mouth was this morning was not going to end well.

Boy was I right.

"GIVE IT BACK!" I screamed as I pulled on the last can of coke that was in the fridge.

"I HAD IT FIRST! I had to put it down to tie my shoe, you ass!" My brother shot back at me.

"I don't care, you left it on the counter so I grabbed it, finders keepers losers weepers!"

In the end I won the coke which left my brother in a bad mood, but it do not care I GOT THE COKE!

I walked out of the house and stepped into my car. On the drive to school I was blasting my awesome music and sipping on my victory drink, until I reached a red light and heard a motorcycle come up beside me. Being the tomboy me I looked out the window because I love motorcycles. What I saw made my jaw drop, there he was looking at me smirking. The Bad Boy I had to stay away from.

All of a sudden he revved his engine and sped away (almost popping a wheely I might add), leaving me in the dust. A car honked behind me reminding me that I had to go and that it was a green light. I stomped on the gas peddle speeding away in the direction of school.


I was walking to third period when I smacked right into a girl while turning a corner.

"Sorry" I mumble as I pick up my stuff off the ground.

"You better be bitch, watch where your going!" She snarled. At that point I whipped my head up almost giving myself whip lash. I took in her appearance and realized it was one of the girls that wears bandages instead of clothes that Kat pointed out to me my first day.

"Maybe you should watch where your going instead of shaking and swinging the ass you don't have!" I practically yelled the last part. I started walking off looking around at the people that had there mouths open like they were trying to catch some flys's or something.

Finally I got to my third period class and took a seat in the row that was completely empty.

The guy I saw on his motorcycle this morning walked in. It was as if time slowed down just for that moment. He walked straight towards me taking the seat next to me, smirking as if he had something planned.


Half way through the lesson in math I felt a tap on my right shoulder and turned around to see who it was. Turns out it was the one and only Chase Miles the star quarter back of the football team.

"Hey do you have a pen or something I can borrow?" He askes.

"Why don't you ask someone else, also what have you been doing this whole time if you didn't have anything to right with?" I question.

"Man you ask a lot of questions, because I don't feel like getting up and walking around asking for a pen and I was playing on my phone most of the time. To answer your questions."

I grab my bag from underneath me and rummage through it trying to find a pen or pencil he could use. Once I find one he could use I hand it to him, he gives me a nod and turns his attention back to his phone, leaving the pen in the desk unused.

Why did he need the pen if he isn't going to use it.

I look to the front to pay attention to the board but I get the feeling that someone is watching me so I turn and see mystery boy a.k.a Bad Boy glaring at Chase .

Why was he doing that?

Man boys are confusing.


Hey sorry for not updating for SO LONG!!! I wasn't really feeling the story but I'm back and I'm ready to update more with summer coming up YAY ;p

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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