New School, New Friends

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BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, the sound off my life crumbling apart. I slam my fist over my alarm clock to sit it up right when my dad walks in.

" Shut that thing UP would you, that is the worst sound in the world!" He whines.

" Ya, Ya I know, I am."

My dad is like a teenager and a man mixed together. He will act like a dad when he thinks it's necessary (so never) but on the other hand he let's me do whatever I want! It is awesome in some ways but considering I have a older brother and he is a total manwhore, it kind of sucks.

So that means if my brother wants to have a party he has a part if he wants to bring a girl home and do, well you know what then he does. All my dad says is to be safe, so in others words do NOT get anyone pregnant.

I don't know what I would do if I had a niece or nephew, I'M TO YOUNG FOR GOD SAKE!

I slowly crawl out of bed landing with a thud on my feet, and walked to the bathroom to have a nice morning shower. Once I get out I fell a lot more awake and energized but still not enough for the day ahead.

I blow dry my hair and do the little makeup I put on which consists of mascara And that's pretty much it.

Choosing my outfit was another story I decided on a loose Nirvana sweater and some skinny jeans with a pair of black Vans.

I smell bacon and eggs coming from downstairs and practically turn into a rabid animal. Running down the stairs and tripping over the last step I get to my destination, FOOD!

I head into the kitchen a pout in disappointment, my brother made breakfast and only enough for him.

"You are so mean!" I say walking over to the fruit bowl and picking up an apple.

"I know." Is all he says in response.

I shake my head in disapproval and head out the door yelling good bye to my dad.

I put the keys into the ignition of my blue and black Mustang and smile when I roars to life.

Pulling out of the driveway I turn on my music and blast it listening to Fall Out Boys and Artic Monkeys.

I walk up to the office in my new school and ask for a schedule, she hands it to me along with my locker number and combination. Once I get there I go to grab the lock and I end up bumping into a girl with dark brown hair and electric blue eyes.

"Oh sorry, I thought this was my locker!" I say as I look down at the paper, it says that I'm the locker next to this one.

"It's ok, my name's Kathrine but everyone calls me Kat." She holds out her hand for me to shake.

I take hold of her hand "the names Ivory." I say in a much more calm way than I thought it would come out.

"Welcome to Everliegh High School. It must be your first day because I have never seen you here before!" She says cheerfully showing off a smile of pearly white perfect teeth.

And just like that we clicked and I knew I made a new locker buddy and friend.

Kat asked for my schedule and I gladly handed it to her, secretly hoping we had at least some classes together. And it turns out we have every class together aside from Math and Home Economics.

"Ok, so here is all you need to know" she started as we walked down the hall "those are the mean girls, you know the hitches that think they run the place." I looked over to see a group of girls that consisted mostly of tight clothes (more like bandages) and blond to brownish hair.

"And those are the geeks" she then pointed to a group of mostly boys with their Game Boys and 3D Ds's and other things I don't know. They were moving their body's to the games they were playing as if it would help them in the virtual world.

"And those" she stopped in front of our lockers (we did a circle around th school) "are the Bad Boys" she finished.

I gave her a confused look because they were called players so I was wandering what the difference was.

"What do you mean "Bad Boys"?" I used bunny fingers to emphasize what I meant by Bad Boy.

"You know the players of the school, the guys that sleep around and make out with whoever is willing to do so."

"Ok I know what you mean now!" I scrunched my nose up in disgust just thinking about how many girls they probably kissed and didn't think anything of it.

I look over at the group of boys, and I ended up just staring and the guy in the middle of them all, the only one that was not fooling around with his friends.

He was looking down with shades over his eyes and a ball cap covering the top half of his face. I caught myself trying to see what his face looked like. I didn't have to try very hard because the next thing I knew he was staring directly at me looking over his shades with his eyebrows raised.

At that moment I knew I had to try very hard to stay away from him, he was bad news.

But that was harder than it seemed.


HEY, sort of a cliff hanger SORRY!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Peace on the streets! ✌

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