In the year 2045 only 3,000 humans are left on Earth. When a newborn is born they are born with a twin, both have the dates of their death written on their arms.
There are three land settlements to be sorted into based on the evil or the good twins...
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ᏢᎡᎾᏞᎾᏩᏌᎬ Disclaimer- this is the only chapter in first person.
"oh my if you've found this message, you must be living in peace on another planet. But earth is in trouble!" "My name is Vanessa, Vanessa Fox, however that doesn't matter because our time is short, yes your time as well, don't ask any questions." "The population on earth is dying out like flies especially because now, when ever a child is born the date they die is written on their arm, for the whole world to see.
"You see, I'm kind of different, in two ways." "Also let me tell you every person is born with a twin, then they are sorted into different land settlements based on whether they're the good or the evil."
"Well for me, my twin died when I was born, so they didn't exactly know what land settlement to enclose me in, the government took their best shot." "Their are three land settlements." "There is Malum ignis, bonum hero, and Amare Pacem." "You're probably confused, so let me translate; evil fire, brave heroes, and good peace." "If you're the evil twin obviously Malum, the good twin Amare Pacem and if you're like me, well you're bonum hero a place where few are sorted."
"Funny thing is, I was suppose to die yesterday... the date on my arm clearly says 10/30/2045, and I'm still alive and it's the first of November."
"Oh gosh I wasn't suppose to tell you that! I have to go! So who ever finds this message, they're erasing us, 3,000 that's all that's left. remember us, please."