Chapter 1

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I look around the airport for my luggages. The pilot said our bags are at the baggage claim number 4. I've been standing here with my empty trolley for a couple of minutes. It might not seem long, but I'm tired. I need to continue my beauty sleep in this instant!

I've just got back from abroad visiting my sister at her place. You can call it 'staying' at my sister's since I've stayed there for 1 and a half years. She stays in a condo in New York. It probably sounds fun, but the truth is.. it is NOT!

You know why? Because my sister doesn't like technologies. She's like the young old-fashioned people at the age of 27. She doesn't even have tv! How can she live in New York you ask? Well, she can't. That's why i stayed with her for a while. I had to use my money to buy her tv, wifi, laptop, computer, you name it. She's actually rich but she won't spend her money for all those 'useless things' as she calls them.

Ah finally! I see my bags there. I go over to my bags and carry them off the moving esculator which moves bags around. I pull my bags with both of my hands because I shop a lot at New York. I return to the place I left my trolley. Great. Just great! Someone freaking stole my trolley! Guess I'll just have to pull them. With one enormous bag over my shoulder and two heavy luggage at the tip of my finger, I slowly start to walk.
I waved for a taxi and eventually one stopped for me. I open the door and asks for the driver to open the trunk and he did so. I shoved all of my bags inside the trunk and close it.

Just as I was about to get in the cab, a douche with a mask on rushed passed me and get into the cab. I was seriously pissed. I've waited for the taxi for over 5 minutes, which means more standing for the tired me. Dude you can't take my ride.

"Yah! This is my ride! Go find another taxi!"
Okay.. he's ignoring me.

I reached my hands out and hold his arm. He looked at me with a what-do-you-want face. I quickly yanked his hand out of the car. He landed on the hot dry tar on the road.

"Serves you right!"

I hopped onto the taxi and told the taxi driver to drive after giving a certain address. He just smiled when I said the address. I've had enough so I just simply tell him to start driving.

I looked outside the window and have a daydreaming session. I keep on replaying the scene that happened just now inside my head.

I can't forget the look he's got on his face when I pushed him onto the road. And the bright red scars on the palm of his hands. I can't help but noticed that the jeans he's wearing was torn at the knee part because he landed pretty hard.

He got up and brushed his hands at the back of his pants trying to remove the dusts. You can clearly see tears starting to build up in his eyes.

'Was I being too harsh?' You thought to yourself. Why do I feel bad all of a sudden? I mean it was his fault for hijacking the taxi. Isn't it?

Your mind wondered off to another planet that you didn't realised you slept through the whole journey. You only wake up when you feel someone's shaking your body. You looked up and see the driver.

"Miss, we're here."

I sit up straight and wipe my mouth. Who knows maybe I drooled when I'm asleep.

I get out of the car and take all the bags with me heading towards the lift. I pressed the number '7' on the floor level panel.

I managed to have a quick look at the taxi driver. He had his face looking straight at me while his hands are searching for something in his car. I didn't had a chance to see what it was because the lift door closes.

The lift stopped at my floor. I didn't budge as I see the lift door opens. I was paralyzed for a moment. I just stood there frozen. Maybe because of the jet lag I'm having.

Just as I was about to take a step out to get off on the floor, the lift's door suddently close then quickly moves downstairs and stopped at the ground level.

A tall man with a pink sweater on steps in and stands behind me. His hair is dark green and looks expensive. He must be rich. He has a mask on. Urghh! What's with men and their masks.

I pressed the floor number 7 again since that man didn't bother to press any number.

I look behind and saw him looking back. He has such gorgeous eyes! How can a man be so pretty! I turned and look to the front when I realised I've been staring at his eyes for almost a minute.

The lift door opens, again. I stepped out and started walking. I hear footsteps as I walk the corridor. I peeked behind and see the man is walking the way I'm walking. I can feel a vibe like the man is following me so I fasten my pace. When I reach the door of my apartment, I looked behind and the man wasn't there anymore. Maybe he had entered his apartment. I chuckled at my thoughts of him being a psycho.

I look at my apartment door and unlocked it with the key that I haven't touch for over a year. I push the door open revealing my place. Sigh..

"Ah... home sweet home"

I take a deep breath and stepped inside before locking the door back. I need to sleep.

The apartment had spider webs everywhere because no one used it for a while. Eventhough I have some serious cleaning works to do, I don't care. I'm too sleepy to clean it now. I am not lazy, I'm just tired. The flight from New York took about 11 hours, and now I need another 11 hours to sleep and kill my jetlag.

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