Chapter 13

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I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm ringing. I immediately groaned and I rolled over to the other side of the bed. I reached for my phone and I felt it, just as it fell to the floor. I tried to reach it from the bed, but it was too far. I fell onto the floor as I turned off the alarm. I just lied there as I wrapped some of the blanket on me. I heard a knock on the door and ignored it. Then I heard it again and yelled at Aj to wake up.

“April! Wake up and go get the door!” I merely shouted, still half asleep.

“No.” She grunted.

“Please. Someone’s waiting there... at the door… all alone… waiting for you.” I said trying to convince her.

“I hate you, you’re so lazy.” She said as she lazily walked to the door. I heard her open it and let someone in. I tried to fall back asleep on the floor with half of my blanket—the other half still on the bed—and my arm which I used as a pillow, since I was too lazy to get my pillow from the bed.

“Guess she’s tired too.” I heard a voice say, as I soon recognized it to be Nick’s. He was talking about me, but I didn’t care, since it was true. I feel like I barely slept.

“Hannah, you have to get up. I did and you do too.” April said as I realized she was right. I looked at the time on my phone, and I realized that I had an hour before the Be A Star rally. The school was an half an hour away, so we would have to take our luggage with us, and after the rally we would need to go on the plane back to the U.S. I slowly crawled to the bathroom as I noticed that Nick and Phil were in the room. I couldn’t reach the doorknob from the ground, so I sighed realizing I would need to stand up, or at least crouch. I slowly stood up and instead of going to the bathroom, I jumped back onto my bed. Nick was sitting on the edge of the bed, and Phil was standing next to my bed. I pulled the comforter back from the floor and covered myself.

“5 more minutes.” I said, but it was muffled by my pillow.

“No.” She said as I felt someone grab my foot, and drag me off the end of my bed. I grunted, and groaned but I stood up and looked around for my suitcases. I saw them by the bathroom door and I put them on my bed. I opened both of them as I wiped my eyes, still tired. I started getting my things together, and organized. By the time I was done, everyone else was ready. I put on black jeans and a random t-shirt. We were all ready to leave for the rally.





We had arrived at the school which looked very small. The outside was bricks, and the windows were all open. Once we entered the building I realized there was no air conditioning. The halls were small and cramped. Once we got to the gym, which is where the rally would take place, I noticed it was yellow and blue, and it was a decent size. I saw a couple other superstars there, some that I have never met. We set up everything for the campaign, and everyone was ready.

 Soon the children in the school packed up the gym. I was sitting in a chair on stage along with everyone else who was speaking. As superstars made speeches about bullying, it was almost over. I had to make a speech about bullying, and I did. I was nervous, but I feel like I did a good job. I was never bullied as a child. I wasn’t popular, but I was never bullied.





As the event ended we had made our way to the airport. We had eaten, and bought treats for the plane ride. As usual I sat next to Phil, and April sat next to Nick. The plane had taken off and I had already dozed off from the lack of sleep, although I did fall asleep on Phil’s shoulder. I woke up and raised my head from Phil’s shoulder. I realized I was still on the plane, it would be a long plane ride. “Want some?” Phil asked as he held a bag of skittles.

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