I Rejected The Ugly Dork But Now He's The Hot Popular Guy (Chapter 15)

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** this chapter is dedicated to john and edward.

to all my british fans - (sobs) why did they have to go????????? wwwwwwhhhhhhyyyyy??!!??!!??

and also, while we're here, at the top of the page, why not click the vote button?? it's right there! go on, it's only a click away, just click! (sobs again) jedward would want that...**

Chapter 15

I woke and checked the time.

Crap crap crap.

Okay, go to school with wet hair or greasy stinky hair?

The tick tock of the clock filled the silence. I did not have time to think.

I raced upstairs, getting to the third step and tripped. I'm so stupid, after all those gym lessons I really thought I could 'race' up stairs? I got up, rubbed my throbbing knee and this time walked calmly up the stairs.

Once on the landing I ran to the bathroom and quickly showered and brushed my teeth. With my hair dripping wet I whipped on - knowing me definitely a very wild and stupid looking - set of clothes, grabbed my school bag and ran out of the front door.

I quickly trod along the sand around our house and once I hit the concrete of the sidewalk I started running to the bus stop and saw the bus coming. Okay this was it; I had to outrun the stupid bus. With my arms and legs flailing all over the place, looking like an idiot, I ran and ran. I saw a rather cute boy looking at me weirdly with an amused smile. Oh great, I have to be mocked whilst doing this.

I stretched my legs as far as they would go and did that high knee thing my gym teacher said would make me go at a little below an average speed, the other girls had gotten a right kick out of that one. Stupid Mrs Allman.

The bus zoomed right past me but I kept on running. If I could just run to the next bus stop before the bus then I could get on it from there, but I had no such luck.

I eventually gave up half way to the third bus stop and slowed down to a very snail-like walk. I don't care what society says, exercise is very very bad for you.

Accepting the fact that I had most definitely missed home room I quickly sprinted - as quietly as possible - to my next lesson which I hoped was French.

I came to the doorway and was reassured by Nikki sitting in the front row, it was definitely my class. Wow, never thought I'd be reassured by her. She started laughing at the sight of me and sniggered something to N- um, Nate? Well, one of Adams cronies, you get the picture.

I turned to Madame Rochelle and put on my best puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm late miss," I said sweetly.

"Parle en Francais," she said sternly.

"Um, désolé, je suis, um, late?" I asked with a nervous chuckle and hopefully a cute make-your-knees-weak-and-please-forgive-me-I'm-only-16 smile.

"You're hopeless," she muttered under her breath which I think was supposed to be quiet but Nikki cackled out loud regardless and I started noticing that the rest of the class were shooting daggers at me. Maybe I exaggerate, more of half the class including the entire female population of the room were throwing daggers at me.

"C'est: Désolé, je suis en RETARD! Have a seat now and write that down in your book so you don't forget and then ask your partner for help on the worksheet."

Nikki started cackling even louder. This time she even pleasured us all with a few words: "She's a retard!"

"Nikki, stop making that hideous noise, it just translates to being late," Madame said in that deadpan bored voice of hers. I do love teachers who despise kids.

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