Anna is the daughter of a multi-millionaire and she doesn't fit in anywhere. That all changes when she moves to Virginia with her dad and twin brother. Will she fit in?? Then she meets her so called "dream guy".
It's two weeks before prom and I'm going prom dress shopping with, Tarren. Ya I know what your thinking. Why are you going with her? Well we made up and now we're going prom dress shopping. My prom date is of course Taylor. Tarren is going with Carson. I don't know who Jacob is going with. Probably one of the school sluts. We were at the dress store and I found the perfect one. It was white with spaghetti straps and like a teal veil that attached around the waist. I found a pair of teal heels with lace to go with. Tarren found a really cute dress that went about mid thigh and it was white on her chest and it had a blue ribbon around her waist and the rest was a white in to teal ombre. We bought the dresses and my heels. Tarren bought a pair of black sparkly heels. We were going to wait until the day before prom to get our nails done, and we'll get our hair and makeup done the day of prom. We were walking out of the mall when I ran into somebody and I didn't see who it was, because I was looking down. I looked up and saw a face I thought I would never see. My ex-boyfriend; Jaden. I thought he was still in Tennessee. Well I thought wrong.
"What are you doing here? I thought you lived in Tennessee?"
"I just recently moved here with my mom. My parents got divorced and I moved here with my mom."
"Just saying now, don't try anything because I have a boyfriend."
"I wasn't going to anyways because I have a girlfriend."
"Ok well Tarren and I are leaving so bye."
With that being said, we walked away from Jaden and walked to my car. I got a red Dodge Charger with black stripes. It was pretty sweet. I could tell Tarren was jealous when I got it, but I didn't think anything of it. We drove back to my house so Tarren could get her car. She got a grey Pontiac Grand Prix. I felt kind of bad for her, but she would get over it until she could buy her own car. Tarren was always a little jealous of me, because my dad was really wealthy. We pulled into her driveway so she could go home. She got out of my car after we did our handshake. Ya I know we still do a handshake. We started it in seventh grade and we've been doing it ever since. I was really bored, so I called Taylor to come over to my house. He showed up a while later and came through the door without knocking. He tried to sneak up behind me, but I heard him pull in, because his truck is really loud. He walked up behind me and tried to scare me by saying, "Boo!" He didn't scare me, because I heard him pull up. I turned around and his lips met mine. He picked me up off the couch and set my feet down on the floor. I broke the kiss, leaving him wanting more. I ran upstairs to my room and shut the door. I ran to my closet and got inside. I heard Taylor come into my room, so I quieted my breathing, so he wouldn't hear me breathe. I heard him say, "I know you're in here." A while later i heard footsteps going towards the door and then I heard the door open and close. I cautiously opened the door to make sure he wasn't in my room anymore. When I thought the coast was clear, I opened the door all the way, and stepped out. Right as I stepped out, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and spin me around. I squealed in surprise to be met with a kiss. We spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching movies on Netflix.
*Fast forward the day before prom*
Tarren and I are on our way to get our nails done for prom. Tarren and I were going to get our hair done on the same day. We had just got our nails done and we were on our way back to my house. When we got to my house Taylor's car was in my driveway. I got out of my car and walked up to the front door. I walked in because it was unlocked. I stepped inside the door, and a puppy ran to the door.
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My prom dress, shoes, and nails^
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Tarren's prom shoes, and nails^
••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cliffhanger!! Sorry I haven't been updating more often. Maybe I will have a new chapter up soon. Stay beautiful my wonderful petunias.