Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

            I stand outside on this chilly summer night, by myself at 9:30pm; Alex is going to be here any minute. I try to call Liam but there is no answer, my heart is beating out of my chest, I could not think straight. I wrap my arms tightly around myself and I wait for Alex’s black mustang to come into sight, I could see nothing but darkness. I’m actually pretty cold for the summer time, Liam had picked out a purple dipped top with a lace back and a pair of jean shorts with sandals, I am freezing. I shiver there watching the club on the other side of the parking lot. I bet Josh was going to take me there after before I ditched him in the movie theaters; he was going to be mad after this.

            I wonder what Liam did this time? Whenever you get into a break up, you end up doing something stupid Liam! Last time you ran away and I was the only one who knew where you were because I am the only one that knows about your secret place by the river bank under the bridge. Liam I hope you’re okay please, please, please be okay! I need you- you are my brother, my best friend how am I supposed to function without you? I think as tears roll down my cheeks I am so worried about him, it is killing me.

            “Taylor!” someone shouts my name, I turn to see Josh.

            “Taylor, what’s wrong? What did I do?” Josh asks as he stands really close to me searching my eyes and holding my cheek so he could look at me.

            “It’s not you this time…” I say and whip my tears away, I have to be strong; Liam is going to be okay.

            “Who hurt you, Tay? Talk to me…” Josh says as I hear breaks screech to a halt behind me which makes me jump. It is Alex’s black mustang, and the passenger side window starts to roll down.

            “Taylor, get in now!!! We need to leave!!!” Alex says panicked, I hop in the car and look out the window at Josh who stands there hurt.

            “My friend is in trouble, but I had a lot of fun tonight!! We’ll do a makeup date soon” I say but before Josh says anything, Alex steps down on the gas pedal hard.

            I fly back hitting my head on the seat; I grab my seat belt fast and buckle up because this is going to one hell of a ride home. The wind blasts through the window and I click the button so it rolls up. Everything looks like blurs but it makes sense we are doing 150 down the road, no one is on this road for some reason but I am glad because at the speed we are going it would be dangerous. I hold onto the seat for dear life, Alex is a great driver but I never knew she could handle her mustang like this.

            “Alex? Where is Liam? Is he okay? What happened? Who is with him right now?” I ask a million question. Alex never takes her eyes off the road but she answers all of my questions.

            “He is out cold on your bed at your house. I don’t know if he is okay or not, I don’t know what to do. I came home from picking up groceries and Shane and Liam were fighting, screaming and beating the living shit out of each other. Shane threw one good punch to Liam’s face and he was knocked out instantly, and then Shane got scared he killed him…” my stomach flipped when she says ‘killed’, I feel dizzy and sick but I continue to listen, “I got Shane out of the house, and I see Liam knocked out cold on your bed, I check his pulse and it was still beating, I left him water and a phone beside him when he wakes up but he looks pretty bad, Tay. I got in the car and then I called you…” Alex says as she breathes heavily and tears fill her eyes, I know she is scared and so am I.

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