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The events of the grand magic games will not be in order. I didn't realize that they were misplaced until i finished writing it and read it. plus there might be things add or alittle different. Please forgive me!! plus there is mild cursing in this story.


"Thank god!!" I exclaimed then jumped out of the train. Natsu landed beside me and breathed fire."Oh yea! no more train!!" he shouted.

Everyone else walked off and then we headed for the hotel for Fairy Tail. 

"Alright brats, after you set your things in your rooms. You can go and explore, But remember to be back here no later then 11:30 pm" Gramps said.

We all nodded then chose our rooms and placed our things down.

I decided to look around myself. I walked around for hours, looking in shops and walking around in the city's park.

By the time I was done, it was already dark. So I decided to head back.

But as I was on my way back, I saw a large group of people cheering and yelling.

Then i smelt Natsu's scent, 'He's already at it!'.  

I walked towards the group and pushed my way to the middle. Once I was passed everyone. I saw Natsu, Happy and Lucy with a Black hair man, Blonde hair man and a maroon cat and a green cat wearing a pink frog costume.

"Natsu we were only here for a half of a day and you're already causing trouble!!" I scolded. 

"But these sabers started it Tory" Happy said.

I raised a eyebrow and looked at the other two. "So you two are from Sabertooth?" I asked.

"Yea the strongest guild ever!" the maroon exceed said.

I smirked, "And who you all might be?"

"My name is Lector and this here is Sting Eucliffe. The greatest mage there is!!" the maroon cat explained.

"And this is Rouge Cheney and Frosch" he said pointing at the black hair man and the frog wearing exceed.

"Fro thinks so to!" she exclaimed (i'm sorry if i got fro's gender wrong. i'm just gonna say its a girl)

"Ohs" I mumbled, "And what seems to be the problem here?" I asked, looking at Natsu.

"This flame fairy tried to challenge us" Sting said.

"Natsu" I growled.

"But they were talking junk about Fairy Tail" he whined.

I sighed, "Yes we were, because Fairy Tail is weak now. Sabertooth is going to win again. We the twin dragon slayers will be the strongest in all of Fiore" Sting smirked. 

Me and Natsu gasped, "You two are dragon slayers?" Natsu asked.

"That's right" Rouge mumbled.

"Yep, we are the third generation slayers" Sting explained. 

"Huh third generation?"Happy said confused. 

"Yes third generation dragon slayers are slayers  that had a dragon lacrima placed in them and was raised by a dragon" Lector explained. 

"What!, did your dragons disappeared on July, 7, X777?" Natsu asked.

" we killed them" Sting said.

"What!! you killed your own parents!" Natsu yelled.

"T...that's wrong" I mumbled; I was shocked.

"Yea,  so we could become true dragon slayers. unlike you" Sting smirked.

"Your pathetic, you would kill your own parent to just earn the title of a true dragon slayer. that' s pathetic" Natsu growled then tried to punch him. 

But I stopped him, I punched his gut and sent him to the ground.

Everyone gasped, "Now, now Natsu. We're not going to make the scene bigger" I said then glared at Sting.

"Sabertooth maybe is strong. But Fairy Tail is united once again. We will win the games this year. Mark my words Sting Eucliffe" I said then looked at the clock tower.

"Holy shit!! Erza is gonna kill us!!" I exclaimed then grabbed Natsu and ran to our hotel with Happy flying with us.


"Wow what a group of weird people" Lector said. "Fro thinks so too!!" Frosch said. "Yea, but that girl. I sensed a lot of magic power from her" Rouge said. Sting smirked, "Yea, she's strong.....also hot too" he said then they headed for their hotel.


"WHERE HAVE YOU THREE BEEN!, I THOUGHT MASTER SAID TO BE HERE NO LATER THEN 11: 30 PM AND ITS ALMOST MIDNIGHT!" Erza scolded as soon as we walked through the doors.

"Sorry but we ran into some sabers and had a nice chat" I said.

Me and Natsu gave her a sweet grin; causing her to sigh.

"Alright, i'll let this this time. but next'll be punished" she said.

"Yes ma'am" we quickly replied.

Before anyone could speak, the building started shaking.

"What the hell" Me, Gray and Natsu exclaimed.

"What is the meaning of this!" Erza said.


hoped you like it^^



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