Day 2 of the Grand Magic Games

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The events of the grand magic games will not be in order. I didn't realize that they were misplaced until i finished writing it and read it. plus there might be things add or a little different. Please forgive me!! plus there is mild cursing in this story.

~Also I'm sorry for such a long and slow update I've been very busy this past month .~


"WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" Erza yelled from the hall.

I shot up and looked at the clock....."Damn it!" I cursed, the games will start soon. I quickly got dressed and did my business.

Then Erza walked in, "Master told us to wear matching team clothes" she said then handed me a set of clothes.

I nodded then went to change into the new clothes. once I walked into the lobby, everyone was ready to go.

I wore a black shirt that stopped at the bottom of my ribs and purple shorts with thigh high boots and a purple long coat that hooked across and under my breast.

After about a 10 minute walk, we reached the arena.

"Alright let's start day two of the grand magic games!. First off we will a game called chariot. Players are to race on top off moving interconnected chariots with the top points rewarded to the first team!" The announcer explained.

"I wanna do that!" Natsu yelled then jumped Down from our spot and ran towards the chariots. Then we saw Gajeel running towards the game.

"They are very stupid" I said as I facepalms. Then I saw Sting walking towards the chariots. 'What a even stupider male' I thought.

All the players got ready at the starting line then the bell rung. Everyone but the three dragon slayers ran at full speed.

I facepalmed again as the dragon slayers looked pale and green, ready to puke. Natsu kept slowly going forward. "I won't let this sickness bet me!" He mumbled.

"Me either!" Gajeel argued and continued to walk slowly.

Sting was in last, looking really pale. Then he looked towards Natsu and Gajeel.

"Tell me this, why do you keep going and trying. Fairy Tail was a strong guild that now is weak. So why do you care so much about your appearance now?" He asked.

I growled, "That bastard" I grumbled.

"For our Comrades! For those who waited for us all them years. We are doing this for them!" Natsu said as he crossed the finish line.

Gajeel finished seventh with one point while Sting finished last with no points.

I cried hearing Natsu's speech, "Way to go Natsu!" I yelled. Sting smirked at he walked away.

"Comrades, that's stupid. Ill let you fairies have this one. But Sabertooth will keep racking up points and we will win" he said then sat down with his team.

I growled again, 'I can't believe I have to go on a date with that bastard'. I thought.

"Next we event we have Bacchus from Quarto Cerberus vs Tora Dreyer from Fairy Tail team A!" The announcer said.

"Good luck" Lucy, Levy, Erza and Gray said. "You better beat him!" Natsu exclaimed. I nodded then went out to the field. As I walked out there, I heard my brother give me luck.

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