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It was like déjà vu all over again. I was running threw the hallways of the hospital trying to get to Madison's room. I didn't stop even when I got there, I ran right in and to her side. I looked at the monitor, hearing the beeps that would sound every time her heart pumped, listening, I could tell it was a lot slower than every other time I have heard it. "It doesn't look good." Remembering what the doctor said.

I heard someone walk in behind me.

"Hello, dear." I turned my head to see Rose. Her eyes and cheeks red from crying.

"Is she going to be ok?" I whispered.

She shook head trying to stop tears, "The doctor said that h-her heart-"

"I know." I looked at her for a couple seconds and then back to Maddy. I started biting my nail, it's a habit of mine I do when I am nervous or trying not cry. I sat up fast and ran to Rose, hugging her tightly. Rose was basically my second mother. Having her husband die and now maybe Madison was twice the pain for her then it was for me. I can't even imagine what she is going through. I let go after a while and went back to the bed.

"I am going to go take a drive." I looked at Rose and nodded. After she left I felt the tears coming, so I started talking to Madison.

"Please be strong," I said softly, "You can't leave us, you can't leave me. You can get through this." I could feel my insides getting angry. "You can't fucking die, Madison! Do you know what that would to do your mom, to me, to all of your friends. What did you get yourself into!" I rambled on screaming, tears streaming down my face, until I felt large arms wrap around my waist and pulled me up. I struggled, trying to get out of the grasp but it was no use.

"You need some fresh air, come on." They whispered into my ear.

"No! I can't leave her!" I felt myself being picked up in to strong, warm arms. I looked up to see Ian looking down at me, a couple tears running down his face. He started carrying me out of her room towards the entrance.

"Please, take me back, I can't leave her." I said more softly this time, but he just kept walking till he brought us to a spot in the grass in front of the hospital. I set me down gently, waiting for me to do something.

I stood there for a little while after, thinking about how something could of happened to Madison and I am not there, and with that, I broke down in tears again. Ian brought me into his arms.

"Don't cry, It's ok." I felt my insides boil. I pushed back and looked at him with fiery in my eyes.

"No! It's not ok, Ian. she's dying, for god sakes," I took a deep breathe trying to calm myself but it didn't work, "How could you even say that?" I scram at him.

"I am here for you, Sky. You know that." He said, his eyes watering.

"You don't understand! She is my bestfriend, and she's going to die." I gasped at myself, not knowing why I even admitted it. His hand went up to my face, wiping the tears away. His pulled me into another hug, but I didn't hug him back. I let my arms fall to my side, looking around the outside of the hospital.

"You don't understand." I said, barley audible.

"I do though." he answered back. again, I felt anger rising inside me, I started pounding on his muscular chest.

"You don't. You never will!" He grabbed my wrists, looking at me with such sadness, but guilt flashed in his eyes.

What was that about?

"It's going to be ok." I let out a frustrating, loud sigh. I got my wrists out of his grasp and I turned around, and started walking inside again.

"Skylar." I kept going knowing he wanted me to stop. He took my arm to turn me around.

"What?" I spat in his face. Both of his hands reached up and cupped my face, and before I knew what was going on he kissed me. I tried to escape at first, but finally I gave in.

I put my arms around his neck, enjoying the touch of his lips against mine. My hands starting moving towards his hair, while his went down to my hips, drawing me in closer. I can't even explain how good it felt to be this close to him, there were sparks. Things I never felt before by just having my lips pressed again this. His lips left mine, us both gasping for air. We stared at each other in silence, till Ian broke it.

"I understand, Sky. My bestfriend died."



*gasp* his bestfriend?? :( Yes. To answer you question I still do have writers block. It's been such a struggle trying to do these chapters.

Have you guys ever heard of emancipator? I fudging love them.

Peace, love, and happiness,


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