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A/N: *Smiles like an idiot* I hope you all like it. I don't know what I'm doing and I just sort of..wrote it. I don't usually write romance, so I hope this is good enough. *runs away* 

The soundtrack above is called "I Love You Forever." Give it a listen if you're comfortable reading and listening. :) 

This book has turned into a bunch of fluff....

Dedicated to @demonicdragon09 for her input on my randomly written rough draft in her inbox. For all the 2 a.m.'s and fangirling with me at crazy hours of the night for both of us. And of course...for the crazy long wait since January for this upload before I was even sure of writing it. Thank you. <3 


I crossed my legs under the table and studied the man sitting in front of me. He kept biting his lip, frowning as he gently swished his straw around in his cup and watched the other customers in the coffee shop. He was thinking of something.


He blinked and turned back to face me. It'd been a couple weeks since his return and we'd decided to go out for coffee. I'd been craving it for a few days now but didn't want to go alone, and Clara and Madison were busy.


"What're you thinking about?" I leaned forward and rested my chin in my hand, tilting my head to the side. His eyes dropped to my mouth for a second before lifting back up to meet my gaze. I smiled, enjoying watching him squirm a bit for an answer.

"Uh...not much."

"Then why're you frowning and looking so tense?" I narrowed my eyes and sat back.

He swallowed and his leg bounced up and down a bit, sending vibrations up the table. "I'm not."

"Psh...fine. Sure you're not."

He frowned at me and raised an eyebrow. "Your sarcasm is killing me."
I just laughed and finished my coffee, setting the cup down with a small clack as a smile stretched across my face. Yay. Finally. Three days of no coffee had me running on air.

"You and your coffee addiction. It's not healthy." He gave me a small smile.

I made a face at him. "Let me enjoy my socially acceptable vice in life."

Now it was his turn to chuckle. He shook his head and grabbed both our cups in his hands, pushing himself away from the table. Then he looked at me, eyebrows slightly raised. "You ready to go?"

I nodded and got up, watching him toss our cups in the trash. He held the door open for me and I smiled at him, walking out and taking his hand and giving it a light squeeze. He didn't let go.

"Where're we going?"
"Mmm..." He ran a hand through his hair, quiet for a moment. "The tree."

Giving my hand a light tug, he started in the direction of the park, an easy silence settling between us. He still looked a bit distracted but he'd come around eventually. One thing I'd learned is that he can be as stubborn as I can, when he puts his head to it. I smiled to myself, studying the way the sunlight played with his dark hair. He'd gotten a bit taller in the past few years. I couldn't reach his mouth without him bending down. Not that I was trying to, anyway.

Not that I'd know for sure either, seeing as we hadn't...

I felt my face flush and shook the thought away from my head. No no no. I was the one who'd said we couldn't in the first place. Not that I'd mind if he didn't listen.

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