The Bloom Arrives

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Chapter 1

The trees pass by in a blur, green and brown blending into the other as obstacles appear before my pursuers, roots coming out of the earth and vines making the forrest denser and harder to travel through appear in my wake. Jumping from limb to limb I see the safety of the big green gates with red kanji painted on the outside of them. Breathing a sigh of relief i quickly transform on the fly into a white fox and run inside the village, under the guards feet. Looking back towards the gates chuckling slightly as the two men patrolling fall into a cloud of dust. Running underneath the feet of the townspeople I am almost stepped on by a pair of men, one wearing a green and red robe with white hair who looks to be older, and one wearing black and orange appearing to be my own age of 17, I bark at them as i pause and growl a little causing them to look at me in slight confusion. I can see the curiosity in the older mans face as I turn around running back towards what I would assume to be the Hokages Tower. The younger man shouts and pursues after me.

Well that's great not even in the village for two minutes and I have men chasing me, thats just my luck I guess.

Internally I shrug and proceed to give my self a chakra boost jumping onto of the roof of the Hokage building climbing in through the open window. I run in front of the desk and dispel my camouflage, I smile at the blonde woman before me as I hear shouts around me.

Oops I guess I interrupted a debriefing of some sorts.

I rub the back of my head as I see the surprised face of my Aunt, a lovely women with my mothers hair and from what I hear my great grandfather's eyes.

" Hello Aunt Tsunade, sorry if I interrupted something." I say nervously

She inspects me critically and pauses as she sees something recognizable in my features. Lifting herself from her chair and striding towards me she reaches a hand up and wraps her arms around me hugging me tightly. She then pulls away and hits me in the back of the head, I could see the group behind me look confused.

" Well if it isn't Misaki, I received the scroll that you were coming here, but that was months ago. Where on earth have you been?!"

I hiss in pain rubbing the back of my head as she walk calmly to her desk pulling out my documents it appears to be from her drawer.

" Well you know how you received the letter about the guy asking for my hand?" she nods her head for me to continue, " I sort of had to loose him and his partner before I could come, I didn't want to risk your villages safety."

She looks slightly stunned then realizing that there is company present she turns towards the group. Consisting of a man with gravity defying silver hair wearing a mask, and a pink haired girl with bright green eyes. I chuckle nervously as I look at them, blushing lightly, I bow towards them.

" Sorry for the intrusion, I did not mean to offend you."

The women waves her hand around frantically and the man blushes under his mask.

" No no no I can see that its very important, theres no need to apologize."

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I turn back towards my Aunt.

" So since you are here Kakashi, and Sakura, This is my Niece Masaki Hayashi, the heir to the Hayashi clan from the Earth Country. She is relocating here and her protection is a priority."

I blush and wave around frantically, " No auntie don't worry about me, I'm a Jounin I can take care of myself."

She appears to be slightly angered as I state this so I calm down a bit. I pause hearing the sound of rushing footsteps the blond boy and white haired man from earlier burst into the room.

" Grandma Tsunade I saw this weird white fox with an extreme amount of cha-"  He pauses as he sees me and slightly stares along with the white haired man. Auntie appears to be getting angry with the interruptions and stands up.


The blonde who's name is Naruto rubs the back of his neck nervously, " You see there was this weird fox that growled at me and Pervy Sage so we followed it, well then it jumped on top of the Hokage Tower with this big burst of chakra so we thought it might be dangerous."

Auntie sighed, " The only danger there is, is the one thats after Misaki here."

She stands up leaning on her desk, " Well since your all here, Kakashi I would like your team to assess Misaki and see which rank she should be placed in." she then turns to me, " You said you were undergoing training for Ambu? ", I nod my head blushing slightly, " Then this squad is perfect to test that ability, we will meet at the training grounds and then you will be escorted back to your new residence."

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