#10 The Exam Fever!

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Thursday, 17 march 2014

"Nothing is permanent" the power of this statement prevails exactly when our exams is the forthcoming event. This being the same situation for me and my classmates, we have realised that our so called 'school liberty' is transitory since our teachers are trying their best to exhaust us of all our energy by bombarding our fragile brains with question

'Huh!' Spending every night and day with our sole strict and not so funny companions, the text books has been extremely annoying! So I thought that it was high time that I did some loafing around, and took my dog Peace,( MoM named him) a stray -labrador mix breed for a stroll around the street.
Luckily no one was there around and I was just dreaming about all those exciting things that I'd do after exams when suddenly I felt a powerful tug across my arm which brought me back to my senses only to witness that Peace had pounced on another dog on the street which belonged to this breathtakingly cute boy in my neighbourhood! Well judging from his expression he was equally horrified as I was! We did try to disengage the dogs from their friendly scrimmage but it wasn't any good! Ultimately they pounced us and it ended up with me and him both landing literally  on the street, protecting ourselves against the loving licks from our respective pets.
And of course, as there is always an icing on any cake, we both unknowingly befriended each other!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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