Chapter Five: The Calling (Bane)

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Under a heavy cover of rain clouds and fog. I sit in my car parked alongside the curb as I wait for Mr. Wilson to arrive. He called me during the early hours of the morning asking me to accompany him near the center of town. As the engine idled in park, I turned up the heat just a bit but turned the volume down until the only thing I could hear was background music. The windshield wipers swished from side to side as a yellow taxi pulled up behind me and an elderly man stepped out wearing a business jacket and a fedora.

I shut off the engine and reach for the umbrella from the backseat as I get out and make my way over to him. Mr. Wilson kindly tips the driver before shaking my hand and thanks me for coming on such short notice.

"Good morning, Mr. Hawthorne. How are you this fine fall morning?"

"I'm doing fine, Sir. Now what was it you wanted to see me about?"

"This," he gestures to a small antique store before he continues. "It belonged to your mother. In the unlikely event of her death, you are entrusted with taking over the business for as long as you see fit. Now, the building has already been paid for of course, as well as the utilities and all you have to do is create your own store hours. You can even open it on the weekdays after school if you like."

"All right. Do you mind if I take a look inside?"

"Not at all. Here. Let me give you the keys."

Two keys dangle from the little silver ring alongside the stores personalized keychain bearing the words; Past and Present Antiques. I insert the key into the lock and turn the handle. Inside, the place is dark, musty, with only a makeshift light coming in off the windows from the street. Rustic cases form a U-shaped counter containing beautiful antiques and a modern cash register in the shape of a computer with an automated cash drawer. And the manager's office is located in the back with the master safe.

I look around the store as precious memories come flooding to the surface with me as a child helping mom behind the counter wrap up the customer's purchases. Then I set down the keys on the counter and turn to face Mr. Wilson.

"Okay. I'll run it for the time being. Is there anything I need to sign?"

"When you signed the documents containing your parents Last Will and Testament, everything became finalized, the store included. Now if there isn't anything else I can do for you, Mr. Hawthorne, then I must take my leave. You have yourself a good day."

"You too, Mr. Wilson. You best be careful out there. Wouldn't want you to catch a cold."

He chuckled as headed for the door and tipped his fedora to me. But the second he is out of view, I pull out my phone and realize that I'm nearly late for school. I grab the keys off the counter and sprint to my car as I quickly lock the store's doors and speed off down the street. Four anti-lock brakes screech to a halt as I skid into the last parking space with just a few seconds left to spare before the final warning bell rings throughout the school, signaling the start of classes.

Rain water trickles down my neck by the time I open the door into English 101. Mr. Truman stops right in the middle of his lecture and stares at me with a blank expression on his face. I mouth the words sorry and make the walk of shame to my seat in the back of the classroom. Setekh is there. A smile appears across his flawless lips as he beams from ear to ear. I sit down and take out a pen and notebook as I begin writing down today's notes as well as tonight's homework assignment. Mr. Truman's voice is barely audible as it enters my thinking process, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"When did Romeo first meet Juliet?"

"They met at Capulet's annual feast. Romeo was depressed over his current girlfriend at the time, Rosaline, when his friend Benvolio decided to cheer him up by crashing the party and it is there that he met Juliet."

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