chapter 1

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As the sun hit every building in Brooklyn, New York, it made it all the way to my window which quickly woke me up.

"Good morning Ivy. Would you like some lunch before i get to work? You've been asleep all day, you should be hungry!" My mother asked while kissing my forehead and laughing into the kiss

"No thank you, I think i'm going to the cafè with Dameon later for a poetry reading" I answered.

She gave me a nod and went back to her bedroom to finish getting things set up. Even though my mom works from home, she is an artist, she works nearly 8 hours straight and doesn't stop usually. My mother is a uniqe woman we both share the same characteristics, like drawing, so we both understand each other easily. People always remind me how much I look like her and how I have her personality. As her long, brown curly hair flows down her back, I mirror her exact image. 

"Alright, I will meet you down there in 2 minutes! Okay. Thank you Luke" I overhear my moms conversation with her friend, Luke. Luke has been a close friend to ours since my dad died when I was two years old. I slowly look up from sketching on a sticky note, a odd symbol, as she glides out of the door. Few minutes pass and I hear a bang on the door, I carefully open it up just to see my mother trying to hold up the big canvas Luke had brought her.

"Thank you Darling" She tells me and I respond to her with a big smile. She slowly pulled the canvas through the small door and takes a breath of relief as she sets it down on the wall. There were knocks on our open door and I see out of the corner of my eye that Luke was standing there, laughing a little by  my mothers weakness. He walked over and gave me a quick, one armed hug. As i returned his hug my phone was going off, annoying all of us, i quickly answered. Luke and my mom, Tamra, walked into the kitchen to talk.

"Hello Dameon!"

"Hello Ivy, when would you like to go? The reading starts in 30 minutes but I am sort of hungry so we could get some food before if you want?"

"Yeah that sounds great! I'm hungry too. I'm ready now so whenever you're ready"

"Alright, cool. I"ll be there in 5"

"Okay, see you then"

We both hung up and I walked back into the kitchen to my mom and Luke. I told them that Dameon would be here soon and we exchanged our hugs but I noticed a worried look on my mothers face.

"You need to come straight home tonight, okay? My mom stated.

"I will, okay?" I slightly snapped at her.

"Ivy, I mean it." Giving me that innocent glare, I just nodded and trudged passed her through the door to Dameon.

"I have something to tel-" I cut her off by closing the door and leaving with Dameon.

Tamra's POV

"I have something to tel-." But before i could finish my sentence she cut me off by closing the door. As I put my hands in my back pockets, I turn to face Luke who is looking a little worried as well.

"You have to tell her" He said so serious.

"I know, I know. But she isn't ready"

"She's not ready? You're not ready, Tamra."

I stood there trying to process to my daughter when she comes home and i got interrupted by Luke hugging me goodbye and walking out the door.

Ivy's POV

Dameon and I got to the cafè and we both en haled our bagel and hot coffee and noticed how crowded the place was getting for the poetry reading. One of our close friends, Mike, was reading tonight. He is a good writer but these poetry readings make me fall asleep.

"Alright, I can't handle this anymore, too boring. Do you want some more coffee?" Dameon whispers over to me. I just nod and try to listen to Mike's poem but i can barely stay awake. Dameon returns with our coffee and we both drink it and decide to leave.

We were walking back to our car when I noticed a club with a sign that had the symbol I was sketching earlier.

"Ooh, let's go in there!" I squeal to Dameon.

"Why would we ever go in there?" He curiously asks.

"Why wouldn't we? It looks fun" I harshly answer.

We walk up the security guard and Dameon whispers things like "How will we get in" "This is a bad idea, Ivy". I told him to follow me and be quiet. Before we reach the guard I notice a tall, skinny, dark haired boy. His eyes were an odd, blue color that sort of freaked me out. He had tattoos all over him and had a cigarette hanging out of his slightly opened mouth. He gave me a quick smile and the guard let him in. He started walking up the stairs until he stopped to hear my voice speak.

"What does that symbol mean on your sign?" I asked with confusion.

"What symbol?" Dameon and the guard questioned. "There is nothing there ma'am" He spoke. I gave him a confused look then turned my attention back to the boy.

I noticed him slightly turning around with a grin on his face. He went down the few stairs and whispered to the guard and he let us in. The boy glanced over at me again then continued up the stairs.

"Well that was easier than I thought" Dameon whispered behind me.

We entered the club and everyone there was covered with tattoos and dressed in mostly black. It was a punk club but it was really fun and interesting. I slowly sway my hips back and forth to the loud beat of the music as Dameon stands there trying to dance. 

"Do you want a drink?" Dameon yells over the loud music

"Yeah!" I yell back.

He walks off to get some drinks for us and I glance over to see the dark haired boy staring at me again. He smirks and smiles and waves but I turn around to see him looking over to another guy. The guy had dirty blonde hair and moved his head to the direction he wanted the dark haired boy to walk to. He returns it with a nod and he walks past me, ignoring my presence. I slowly keep my gaze on the two boys and noticed a girl with a brown, short boy walking to them smiling. She has brown, beautiful hair and wore a long white dress. They were behind this gate where I followed, but on the other end. She took the dark haired boys hand and moved him closer to her body. They stood there glaring into each others eyes and he tried reaching for her butt, but she slaps his arm again and slowly her bracelet unravels from her wrist and it slowly slithers to the boys neck. He tries running but the snake (bracelet) grabs him and ties around his upper body. Out of no where a tall, handsome boy runs up and carefully takes out a knife and injects it into the dark haired boys' chest. I screamed in pain, and everyone stared straight at me, looking confused. Dameon runs to my side and I wince at his touch. 

The whole crew turns as I scream and stare straight at me. The handsome one caught my attention with his brown, curly, long hair. He stares into my blue, crystal eyes with his beautiful green ones, as I continue to process what i just whitnessed. Still staring I stand there yelling at Dameon.

"Did you see that? Do you see that!!!" Pointing to the crew and he shoots me a confused look.

"Ivy, calm down. No one is there, you saw nothing!" He says trying to calm me down. I take his wrist and walk out of the club still in shock of what just happened.

"Dameon, I know what I saw! That dark haired boy who let us into the club just got murdered!" I yell while trudging my feet on the ground. He stands there shaking his head but running his fingers through his hair. We decide to ignore the situation but he tries to tell me I am just paranoid about something. 

I bring my keys to the door and unlock it slowly. I walk in and notice my mom wiped out on the chair with her feet propped up on another. I make my way to her thinking she will wake up but she doesn't budge. I want to wake her up to tell her what i witnessed but instead I take the maroon colored blanket lying on the floor and cover her body with it. I kiss her cold forehead and walk into my room and collapse to my bed, thinking about tonight.

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