Chapter 3: That Weird Boy

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Emil's POV

Numerous phones were ringing today, more than the usual actually. It felt like I was at some emergency hotline company. Phones were exploding everywhere, even my landline, cellphones, and radio were blabbering nonstop; all in different languages. It wasn't even lunch time yet.

"Emil, you're needed at the harbor." One of the busy interns threw a voice recorder on my lap.

"On it." I huffed with frustration and ended my last phone call with another concerned citizen.

I grabbed my coat and shoved the recorder in my pocket as I quickly walked out of the busy office. My eyes were sore and my fingers were a bit numb from all the work load.

Everyone was frantic about the sudden appearance of the Russian mobsters who were seen last night at the Pink Flamingo in the red light district. Rumors have said that their boss was here too. I'm betting that this has something to do with the Golden Lotus. Which reminds me about the necklace.

The silver pendant was hiding under my shirt; I didn't want anyone to know that I am associated with the mobsters, especially my brother and his friends.

I hurriedly pass through the elevator doors and pressed the button to the ground floor. I stood at the corner and sighed. At least I've got some rest until I reach the ground level. Everything has been swirling around my head like a tornado. From meeting Kauro to the Russians appearing out of nowhere, anything can possibly go wrong at any moment. There was no time for relaxing.

I sighed and crossed my arms. There was no way getting out of this unless I can go back to Iceland without anyone noticing, which is entirely impossible.


The sound of the elevator doors woke me up from my thoughts. I looked at the glowing numbers to see that it has stopped on the ninth floor. My eyebrows knitted in confusion as I looked at the opening doors that revealed a very tall man.

A very tall man, but maybe a bit shorter than Berwald. His hair was platinum blonde with a few fringes here and there. He gave me a chilling smile that might've been meant to be a kind one. He made me feel small. It wasn't just in the literal way, but in a way that made me feel like he was going to crush me or sue me for something.

The elevator suddenly felt a bit smaller. I leaned on the right corner while he stood on the opposite. The weird feeling of him watching me made goosebumps appear on my skin.

"Lovely day, isn't it?" He spoke with a thick accent.

"Umm, yeah..." I answered back awkwardly.

The silence continued on right after that small dialogue. It became more awkward after that. I wished that the elevator would just reach the ground floor already.

Suddenly, my phone started to ring like crazy. I sighed in frustration and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. The ringing started from the notifications. Texts, emails, updates, and etcetera.

I skimmed through almost everything. More news about the Russian mobsters came up everywhere from the local news to international. It seemed like that the Russians scattered around the world along with the Chinese. My face was already darkened with stress, and now three other reporters online have different stories on the mobsters.

Russians Sweeps Into the Cities with "Supplies".

Golden Lotus Welcomes Russian Comrades!

Pink Flamingo is Russian Based!

For what all I care about is that everyone's hangout spot is not Russian based. The Pink Flamingo is from the Americans; there's another burlesque in Vegas like it and one in London too, but with different names. Vegas was called the Peacock. The one in London is called the Silver Spoon. I've been to the Silver Spoon before as an invintation from a friend's birthday, but I was never aware that it was part of a mafia.

As for the Russians with the Golden Lotus, they are comrades so it's no surprise to me that they're welcomed even at an unexpected visit. Though I find it weird that they went to the Pink Flamingo first rather than greeting the Chinese. Russians and Americans, for what I know, is that they are not in good terms.

So why the Pink Flamingo?

Again my phone rang, but not with a news report. It was an unknown number calling me.

"Hello?" I answered my phone and leaned against the elevator wall. "If this is one of Matt's prank calls, I swear-"

"Get out of the building, now." A raspy voice answered. "Ice, get out of there."


"Get out of the building now, they're in there." I heard guns in the background with other people yelling in gibberish.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him trying to avoid the taller man's gaze next to me.

Whatever Kaoru was talking about, it must be something about the man next to me because the guy has beeb staring at me throughout the whole elevator ride.

I heard more gun shots in the background and Kaoru yelling orders in Cantonese. "NO TIME, GET OUT NOW!"


By the time the elevator doors opened, I barely had time to react. Someone pulled me out and hid me behind them. "Stay away from him."

My mind was in shock when I saw my brother right in front of me, holding a gun that was pointed at the man I stood with in the elevator. The man smiled and raised his arms innocently at us. A menacing look crept on his face. Right before I can speak up, my brother shot him. A warning shot that nearly shot the man's left ear off. The moment I saw that shot was the moment I suddenly regretted meeting that weird Cantonese boy.

"Are you okay Emil?" He whispered. I nodded in response as I peeked over. "We need to get you out of here, now."

"What's going on?" I asked him before he can even drag me along with him. "What's up with this?" I gestured towards the gun he just used as a warning shot. "You've got a lot of explaining to do."

"Not important at the moment," he grabbed my arm, "out now."

In conclusion, my brother may have something to do with the mafia. And if he does, he needs to explain all of this before I can investigate everything myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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