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"Hello, Quinn!", Niall exclaimed as he went in, Louis, Harry and Liam all behind him.
"We got called in but no one told us where to, do you mind?", Liam requested for her to find out as they all came to stand at her desk, Louis and Harry barely being able to take their eyes and hands off each other.
"I love you.", Harry kept whispering as Louis put his arms aroung his waist, kissing him again and again, before their bandmates finally went off to the way too farmiliar elevator.
"I love you too.", the older one replied, backing Harry into a corner.
"Ugh, you guys! Please, keep it PG.", Niall groaned, turning away from them, facing the golden doors.
"What has gotten into you? How are you so loved up right now."
"It's got to be a serious case of love.", Louis murmred and Harry was basically melting in his arms.
"Oh gosh, that's a bit too much, even for me.", Liam chuckled as the doors opened and they all piled out of the elevator, going to the room they had been told to.

"Hello boys.", Richard greeted them, looking more relaxed than usual.
"Diana will be joining us in a few minutes."
"Richard you look good.", Harry decided to speak up after he had taken his seat between Louis and Niall.
"Yeah? Thank you, Harry. I was on vacation.", the manager informed the four boys, a satisfied smile written over his face.
"It's good to see you well-rested and at ease.", Louis pointed out and the other lads nodded in agreement before smirking knowinly at each other.

"Hi, boys! Sorry I'm late! I had an important appointment.", Diana scrembled into the room, her hair pulled up into a messy updo, a few chocolate locks framing her sweet face as her soft pink dress adorned her body perfectly combined with a grey blazer and high heels. Of course her nails were done in the same shade as her dress and her grey eyes sparkled as she winked at Louis and Harry.

"Not a problem at all, Diana. Now that we're complete I'd like to talk to you about your appearances this week.", Richard started, pulling out some notes.
"You're going to be on a few events. The VMAs are on Tuesday meaning tomorrow, followed by the BRITs on Wednesday after that you're gonna have Thursday off but you'll have to leave in the evening to get on a plane ot L.A. for Ellen on Friday.", he rattled off,  Diana nodding at times.
"Right, everything's already settled for the VMAs, you'll be picked up, then you'll get dressed and styled and then you'll be driven to the venue. As for the BRITs only Louis and Liam can go because Niall has something important going on at home, right? And Harry we would like for you to be in L.A. by then already, meaning you should leave on Wednesday.", Diana finished, shooting the youngest boy a sympathetic smile when he nodded sadly.
"It would be great if you met up with Kendall, but that's not a must.", Richard added and Harry smiled a bit when Louis nudged him, nodding.

They both liked Kendall and she was one of the few people who knew about their relationship. She supported them with everything they did and she was one of Harry's best friends.
He didn't see her like Richard did, the money maker, the one who would lessen the gay rumors about them, no, Harry saw her as the one that took his mind off of it being wrong to be gay.
Kendall was the only person who knew and didn't give a damn.
She wasn't even surprised when he told her.
She just smiled a light "Cool." leaving her lips before going on with the story she was telling, stunning Harry.

He had hugged her so tight that evening that she thought all of her bones were smashed when he thanked her repeatedley.

"I'll ring her up, yeah.", Harry agreed, his green eyes lighting up a bit.
"At your interview with Ellen we want you to sit in the following order, Louis, Niall, Liam and then Harry closest to Ellen.", he continued, making everyone frown momentarily however all of their faces lit up as they realised that that would be the day that they were finally going to tell the truth.

"Any questions?", Diana asked, her face very similar to the four boys grinning madly.
"No, thank you Diana.", Harry answered for all of them, getting up.
"Great, well have a nice evening and make sure to drop by and pick the pictures up from my office.", Diana winked before leaving and the four boys took the hint, following  her after a few minutes.

"What is it?", Liam asked as they were all seated in Diana's office.
"I have arranged a few things, at the VMAs, you'll stand next to each other on the red carpet and you're allowed to touch, meaning hands on shoulders, backs and a few laughs and conversations here and there. The Brits are just like Richard said, just Liam and Louis so there's no need to plan anything. Just go for the "huge announcement at Ellen this week" in a lot of interviews okay? As for the time you're in L.A. Harry, hang a lot with Kendall, Richard will like the attention for it, is that okay with the two of you?", she questioned and they nodded.

"To the big day. Richard and I will be there wich makes the whole thing a lot harder. We'll keep the sitting arrangement like he said, but Ellen will ask about secrets and Louis, you'll say you have one. She'll ask you to come forward, so the boys will have to move aside so you'll be sat next to Harry. Then you'll just say you're in love with Harry and that's that.", she shrugged, a satisfied smile on her face.
"It's weird. It's so easy, really. It's a simple sentence. Why did it take almost six damn years to say it?", Harry asked no one in particular.
"I know. But better late than never right?", Louis smiled softly, stroking over Harry's hand before leaning over and pecking his lips softly.
"I swear if you guys keep this up over the next few days I'm gonna throw up, eventually.", Niall groaned, hiding his face in Liam's shoulder, making everyone laugh.

"I love you, baby."
"I love you too, Lou."

A/N: Enjoy reading.

All the love, Mel x.

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