Chapter Nine

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~Four weeks of sitting side by side, talking non-stop before school, at school,after school,weekends,from the minute they wake up to the minute they go to sleep,text and phone call Marcel and Louis got closer than either of them planned.

Marcel had gotten super close to Zayn and Niall too, but he was closest to Liam, the way he was protective and mellow most of the time reminded him a lot of Louis.

Not that he didn't like Niall but Niall was always laughing, at everything even if it was one of his own jokes, which no one ever really understood but they would all chuckle along anyway.

He talked whenever the chance arose, and loudly at that. He was constantly hungry and he would never hesitate to declare it to everyone, which worried Marcel that maybe someday he would eat until he just imploded.

Zayn intimidated him a bit,his perfectly sculpted hair,his chiseled cheek bones,his jawline with the slight tint of dark stubble.

Liam and how sensible he was at all times, he was so mature, like he's years beyond high-school. -scratch that, Liam was beyond collage, Liam was like a twenty-five year-old father of three toddlers, Marcel made the comparison when they went to dinner last week.

Louis, Marcel, Liam,Zayn and Niall sit at a circular table chatting about nothing in specific when Niall gets the idea to blow his straw wrapper at Louis,nearly landing in his glass of ice water Marcel can't help but giggle when Liam glares at the Irishman who's laughing hard along with Louis.

"Niall James,you promised you would be on your best behavior," he says sternly "give him a break hun, kids will be kids" Zayn says in his best female voice, playfully stroking Liam's arm "that doesn't give him permission to act like an orangutan" Liam says, once again peering at Niall.

The table was compleately silent for the first time since they sat there, when Liam gets hit in the temple with Zayn's straw wrapper, he turns to the Bradford boy and wrestles him into a headlock, but eventually letting him go after he says a muffled "Ow,mercy" against the slightly more built shoulder of Liam who adjusts his baseball tee and sits back down at the table calmly.

The other four hardly have a chance to catch their breath between fits of laughter when their food arrives, the waitress giving them an odd look but doesn't question it.

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