Laurences goodbye part 2

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( As Garroth and Aphmau head back to the house the village is full of silence. And Aphmau was still crying )

Gar: Aphmau........I'm sorry for taking you away from him but.......I had was his wish......maybe his final one.......


Gar: WELL MAYBE THAT PROMISE HAS BEEN BROKEN.....I'm sorry for raising my voice at you......I just don't want to see you hurt.


Gar: Aphmau.....what is it that makes you so scared whenever he leaves?

Aph:........I don't know.....

Gar: Is it the fear of being unsafe......because if that's the case I'm here.......and I won't let anyone hurt you.

Aph: Its not that......I know you would help me if I'm ever in danger.

Gar: Then what is it he fear of loosing you lost Aaron.

Aph: ...........maybe.......

Gar: I know that I probably shouldn't even mention Aaron's name as the cause of his death was me........and the fact that I didn't even know him for long........because I was stuck in the Irene dimension.

Aph: Garroth you weren't the cause of his death....Zane was. Not you and I'm not angry at you and I never will be. But listen the reason that I get worried every time one of my guards leave is because I don't want to loose any of you all mean to much to me. Your my family.

Gar: I never knew you felt that way about us guards. It's kind of refreshing to know that you care so much.

Aph: I will always care about you guys and everyone here. I have no reason not to care so......

Gar: were here. Home sweet home. I'll see you later then. If you need me I'll be patrolling around the village.

Aph: Hey Garroth do you want to come in and play with lilith with me.....I mean it would be great to have the company right now.

Gar: If your sure then yes......I just don't want you to hate me...........for taking you away from Laurence.

Aph: I couldn't hate you even if you tried. Trust me, and I have tried many times to hate you.

Gar: like when ????

Aph: The time when I first met you and you wouldn't remove your helm.

Gar: hah......yeah I could see that you were getting annoyed that's why I kept it on.

Aph: huh.......anyway come on in if your hungry there's some food in the fridge.

( Aphmau and garroth head into Aphmaus house)

Gar: thanks but in fine let's just look after lilith okay. She's really sweet you know.

Aph: yeah she is. She's been an amazing help through this time I'm really thankful to have her.

Gar: I'm sure she has been a bigger help than any of us have. I know this because you and her knew him better than anyone.

Aph: yea.....we did............but I don't want to talk about's still a delicate subject Garroth.

Gar: sorry I forget sometimes........please forgive me Aphmau.

Aph: Its okay didnt mean to. Oh look lilith is waking up.

Lilith: mama

Gar: she talks.......??!!!

Aph: yea......but she only says certain words.

Gar: when did she start talking??

Aph: since that day.........Aaron's death.

Gar: oh......that's odd......don't you think.

Aph: I don't know........I sometimes think that maybe she understands what's going on.......and if I'm right.....she must be going through a lot.

Gar: lilith loved him as do you. We all know that.

Aph: yeah......she did.

Gar: Aphmau I dont mean to be rude and cut that subject short but........can I ask you why Laurence left?

Aph: .........yea.......he said that he hated seeing me so sad and wanted to be the one who made me happy........he told me he loved me. And then he left to find Aaron.

Gar: .....................Aaron died I watched him die in front of my eyes can Laurence think that he can find him.......he's dead.

Aph: I refuse to believe that........he is dead, until I find his body, or him alive.

Gar: but.......he died I saw him die.......Him and my brother dead.

Aph: I know this must be hard.........but Garroth......please understand that I dont want him to be gone, and I won't believe he's gone till I have evidence.

Gar: I understand. It's just shocking because I saw them die. But I'll be here for you whenever you need me.

Aph: thank you Garroth. For everything, and I'll be here for you to.


Aph: Yes......that's my theory.

Gar: but if Laurence ever goes back there he would die......Sasha has made sure of that. We need to stop him Aphmau.

( sorry for the long chapter hahahahahah I love writing can you tell )

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