What happens when England gets drunk

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Italy's pov

Ve~ It was a day like no other because today I'm going to give everyone a white flag~

That was what I thought till I stepped into the world meeting and boom a rainbow sparkly thing crashed into me Ve!. Then I woke up and yelled Germany were are you GERMANY! Then everything went black.

Germany's pov

It vas a day like any ozher. Zhe vorld meeting vas a dizazter und everyone vas yelling except for England he zeemed drunk. I valked up to him and zaid "England are jou okay zhere jou zeem drunk?" But all I heard him zay vas " anything can be possibly if you believe I magic you gits I will prove to you magic does exist " Zhen he zhot out a very veird rainbow coloured beam vith zparkles und at zhat time Italia just had to have been late und open zhe door und get zhot by zhe beam zhen I rushed over zo Italy zo zee zhat he vas fine but vas wearing different clothz? When did hiz ztyle change?

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