The Brother and Boyfriend

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I woke up with my head pounding with pain. "What happened?" I asked myself sitting up. I was in a room covered with black and white decorations. This wasn't my room. I ran towards the window to escape. Locked of course. Next was the door. I ran to it without second thinking this time it was unlocked. I heard voice coming from downstairs. I walked down the stairs a quietly as I could. I walked into a random room hoping for my best luck. "I see you woke up love!" Niall said closing the refrigerator door. "Where am I and Why?" I asked being cautious. "I.....I.....I can't tell you." Niall said frowning. "And why is that?" I asked but this time Niall didn't answer someone else did. "Because Liam won't gather up his courage and tell you." a boy who looked to be 24. "Hey Louis where are the marshmallows?" Niall asked looking in the cabinets. "I don't know ask Harry!" Louis said in a teenage popular girl voice. I started laughing....... HARD. After I caught my breath I finally asked,"Wait Harry? Louis? Liam? Who the heck are you guys?" I said turning to Niall. They both gave me a weird look. "Wait you don't know who we are?" Louis asked his eyebrows raised. "No. Am I supposed to?" I asked leaning against the counters. "Thats weird considering your a girl and all." he said to himself but I heard him. "What do you mean considering I'm a girl?" I asked this time my eyebrows raised. "I mean your a girl. And don't girls listen to boy bands. Like One Direction?" he asked. "One Direction? That sounds so familiar! Wait.............ALEXIS! SHES OBSESSED WITH YOU GUYS! YOUR ONE DIRECTION!?!" I literally screamed. "Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! You got it correct!" Louis said throwing his hands in the air. "Is everything alright in here guys?" two british accents asked behinde me. I turned around quickly to see who it is. "Yeh we're all cool!" Niall said with a mouthful of food. "Alright? Well the movies about to start so hurry up!" a boy with curly hair said pointing behinde him(Liam). "What movie?" I asked hopeing for Harry Potter. "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." another boy with curly hair said. He looked extremely like me in some way. It was some weird connection." YAAAAAASSSSSSS!" I yelled. Harry Potter was my favorite thing ever! "You must really like Harry Potter!" Louis yelled " I DEFINITELY DO!" I yelled back. I ran pass everyone to what I was guessing was the living room. I flopped down on the couch waiting for the other boys. Five minutes later no one came. " WHERE ARE YOU!" I quoted from a song I heard from Green day. "Hey Kaydee love I really need to talk to you." I looked behinde me to see a curly hair boy standing behinde me. "Ok...... Liam right?" I asked making some room for him on the couch. He sat down head in his hands. "Kaydee........ I....I.....I'm your brother!" he said stuttering like crazy. I didn't say anything I just hugged him. "Wait you believe me?" he asked sounding like he was crying. "Of course I do even if you did kidnap me I believe you. Brother." I said starting to cry myself. "Oh my god I can't believe it I finally get to see you again!" he said hugging me tightly. "Wait one second. How are you my brother if I'm only child?" I asked him. Once I said this his smile faltered." Ohh that right. You might want to sit down again. Kaydee when you were a baby someone kidnapped you. We couldn't find you. The police searched for you in all of the London territory. Your so called parents aren't your real parents they're your kidnappers. One day we all spotted them in a coffee shop talking about you turning 18. They planned on doing horrible horrible things to you. So we kidnapped you before your birthday took place........." Liam stopped talking and put his head in his hands again. I hugged him tightly as I started crying. My whole life was a lie. Everything. My birth video my childhood was all a dirty lie. All of a sudden my phone started buzzing playing She Looks So Perfect by this point I started sobbing historically. "Whose that?" Liam asked picking his head up. "The one person who was right.........." I said.
I snuggled with my boyfriend Luke. Yeh the Luke Hemmings! I don't care if he was famous or not I love him and thats that! "Kaydee I need to tell you something." Luke said in a serious tone which made me look up in his bright blue eyes. "Yeh?" I asked
"Kaydee your parents are planning something. I don't know what but they're planning to do something to you when you turn 18!" he blurted out really fast. "Wait what? Thats crazy my parents love me Luke! They'd never hurt me!" I said
"I don't know for sure but I guess if you say so..............
*End of Flashback*
I grabbed my phone out of my jeans pocket and smiled. I opened my phone to see a message from Luke.
Goodnight beautiful love you!
"Who is it?!?" Liam said trying to see what was on my phond screen. "Nothing!" I smirked as I put my phone back in my pants pocket. He gave me a pouty face then gave me a evil smirk. "Whata going on on that evil head of yours?" I asked slightly curious and nervous at the same time. "Ohh nothing besides this..........." he said starting to tickle me. And let me just say this I'm very VERY ticklish. "NOOOOOO! STOOOOOPPPPP!" I sreamed full of laughter. "Tell me who it is and I'll stop!" he said still tickling me to death. "OKKKKK! I'LL TELL YOU JUST STOOOOOOPPPPP!" I said between my fits of laughter. He stopped and crossed his arms. "Is everything ok in here?" three concerned boys asked walking into the living room. "Yeh" I said still catching my breath. While Liam otherwise said,"KAYDEE HAS A BOYFRIEND!" as he pointed a finger at me. "WHAT!" they all said in usion. "What?!? I'm 17 a girl can have a boyfriend!" I said starying to blush a deep shade of red. "WHO IS IT!" Louis shouted. "I think you guys might know him......" I said noticing Harry had a 5 Seconds of Summer t-shirt on. "Hes Luke Hemmings.........." I said showing a serious face. They all stared at me for what seem as forever then broke down in a fit of laughter. "Is this some kind of fangirl thing?" Louis asked still laughing. "NOOO! HERE LOOK!" I said started to get annoyed. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my photos in till I found a photo of Luke and I kissing during sunset. I loved this photo. I showed them it and they all became silent. "Sorry......." Harry started saying before I cut him off.
"YOU BETTER BE! NOT FOR THAT ONLY BUT FOR MAKING ME WAIT ON YOU FOR MORE THAN 5 MINUTES WHEN I COULD BE WATCHING HARRY POTTER! I WILL AVADA KADAVERA ALL OF YOUR FACES IF I HAVE TO!" I yelled being glad I got that out. I spend the rest of the noght watching Harry Potter, stuffing my face with Niall, and getting to know my brother...............
Liam Payne.
I guess I'm Kaydee Payne now!😁

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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