New Kid ❤️

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~~Cassidy's Prov~~
Well this is it.
This has been the 4th time Mom and I have moved since the spilt. Mom said we're going to be staying here in New Jersey for awhile. That's actually good news, but we'll see if that promise will last. Tomorrow is my first day at a new school, again. I got my skateboard, put on my snap back and went outside.
"I'll be back soon!" I yelled to who ever was listening at home.
Then I jumped down then front steps and though my skateboard. I skate to chill, to forget. My brother told me there was a skate park around the super market. So I went over there and lone behold there actually was a skate park. I'm just happy he wasn't screwing me over. When I got there, there was these two super cute guys. Ohhh, wait I'm not getting myself into something like that again. Last time I dated it went horribly wrong. Like really bad, I beat the crap out of that guy because he was sleeping with my only friend I had at my last school.
But these guys were cute. I'm pretty sure they were twins. I skated up to a small jump and totally nailed it.
"Wow your good!" I herd someone behind me.
I turned it was one of those guys. I totally blushed I could feel it.
"Oh really, watch this!" I said.
I went over to the half pipe and showed those two up. Oh, my god the look on their faces were priceless.
"Wow good job. So what's your name? I'm Grayson and this is Ethan."
Ethan Smiled and nodded his head. "I'm Cassidy."
Grayson put out his hand, to shake it. His hands were so big.
"You new here?" Ethan asked.
I nodded my head.
"So what school are you going to?" Asked Grayson
"West Morris, you?"
"We both go there!" They said at the same time.
"Really, Cool!" I said
We talked for a bit. Got to know them. But I just want to say Grayson is like, really hot
"Well it's starting to get late want us to walk home with you?" Grayson asked "But Cameron's going to be here any minute!" Ethan told Grayson
"Ya, ya You go home with her I'll walk Cass home." Grayson told Ethan
"Ugh, fine!" Ethan walked away.
Cass I thought. I've actually had no one call me that before.
"Shall we." Grayson said with a smirk on his face.
"I don't even really know who you are, I think I'll walk myself home." I said Then picked my skate bord up and started to walk away.
"Hey! It's fine I wouldn't even touch you" he said.
"K." I said.
He seemed like a cool guy. So we walked home turn's out he only lives 2 houses down from me!
Haha Lucky me! Grayson and I texted for 4 hours after that! He told me all about his childhood and school, crap I've  totally forgot! I'm going to in so much trouble if mom found out I was still awake.
Hmmm... Does Grayson have a thing for Cassidy? How will Cassidy's "Badgirl" reputation go at her new school?

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