A thing for Ethan?

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**A little over 2 weeks later**
Cassidy PROV;
Grayson and I have gotten way closer then we were before, since the "I love you" episode. Yah, that drive home was awkward, but Grayson and I were at my house when I heard a the door bell ring.
Bing Dong
It was Ethan
"Hey can talk?" He said as he peeked in
"Alone" he said
I knew he was serous
"Well Grayson is here but we can go in the back" I asked him
"I guess so"
Ethan was nervous it was kind of scaring me,
"Gray I'll be right back okay?" I yelled at Grayson
"Okay" he said wast looking at the TV
As we walked to the back Ethan has playing with his hands and walking weird. We sat down at my outside table.
Ethan Started
"Well you know that party that we went to a couple mouths ago?" He asked
"Yaa..." I said
"Well I hooked up with this girl named Niomi and well she thinks she might be pregnant." He said with tears rolling down his bright red face
My jaw dropped.
"Well, umm what did she say to you?"
I asked
"She said she hadn't gotten her period when she was due to it, that was two weeks ago and she said that she will pick up tests tonight..." He said with fear in his eyes
I went over and hugged him and patting his back.
I pulled away I looked in his big brown, blood shot eyes and cutting jaw line. He lead his hands down my face and held the back of my neck. He started to lean in for a kiss.
"Ethan!" I yelled
He pushed me away leavening me questioning what just, almost happen. I was standing there in Grayson's old Nike sweater and shorts with no shoes. As Ethan wiped away his tears.
"What,What just happened." I whispered
"I'm so sorry, please don't tell Grayson, please! It has in the heat of the moment!" Ethan ran to me grasping my shoulders. I was shocked
"Okay I promise, jus-t don't do it again"
I told him
"So who else knows?" I asked
"Not Grayson and it will stay that way! Do you hear me!" Ethan yelled
In the corner of my eye I saw Gary though my sliding doors looked at us but soon looking away.
I nodded my head yes.
We then talked for a couple more mintures when his phone went off, it was Niomi.
"You pick it up" You looked at me with horror in his eyes
"Who is this?" Niomi said
"This is Cassidy, don't worry I know about the baby, Ethan is um buzzy right now, but did you get the tests?"
I asked
"Well um ya I did. And um it's well positive"

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