Simple Complications [BoyxBoy]

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  Ok well umm this is my first story i know it sucks but im working on it. Its a boyxboy so if u dont like that stuff dont read it cuz there will be some scenes that will be umm out there.Oooh and sorry i was hypper when i wrote this, i think it shows :).


                                                                  Chapter 1

                                                                Chris P.O.V

  Omg I  can't believe I agreed to do this! I suck .. wait what?! Seriously I cant believe I just said that. No more texting for me, but no one ever said anything about quiting my sexting addiction :P.Well at least that's what my best friend Annalyzza calls it.

  Oh my holy shizness I did not just call her that.You see my dear friend is 5'3. She has neon blue streaks in her black scene hair, and snakebites( that we got done together last year for our 16Th birthday.) She may not sound it but she can be pretty intimidating when she's mad(don't tell her I said that I'd never hear the end of it). She hates when people call her by her full name so everyone calls her Anna. Good thing I didn't say it out loud, I'd be dead! Whew. I think you'd miss me to much.. right?=)

  Huh? Why's everyone leaving? Oohhh Yes! The bell rang singling time for my favorite class.... lunch. Hehe i sounded fat. I love fat people. I got my pencil (yes that's the only thing I bought to 4th period... I'm ghetto.... Nice!) I started making my way to my locker than decided to just slip the pencil in my front pocket ,and walk towards my Anna Bear who's just standing there waiting for me by the cafeteria doors. Hehe loner.

  Geesh I swear I just saw some cheerleaders drool. Oh yeah I'm sexy and i know it! I'm 5'5 , I have natural red hair *emo style:)*,and I'm bisexual. Anna says that's a big turn on for girls but eh I don't know. Girls are weird.  Apparently I'm irresistible especially with my hazels eyes, and dimples. I'll admit I'd go gay for me.

  I smiled as I approached Anna and pounced on her like a kitty cat. She stumbled slightly then bit my arm. How dare she?! 

  '' Ewww now I have Anna cooties'' I pouted.

  '' Cooties aren't real dummy'' she says poking my side.

 ''Ohh right I forgot it's called STD or something right?'' She glares lightly than smack my arm.

  '' Owwy. What's up with you and injuring my poor innocent arm?'' I'm worried she's either going deaf or is ignoring because all I got was a sigh. Ouch rejection much. Well it's not my fault all I had for breakfast was sour skittles. I started humming '' The Prophecy''  by Asking Alexandria and Anna started skipping. Yeah my besties weird sometimes that's why we're awesome.

  I spotted Them as soon as I entered the cafeteria.A knot formed in my stomach and I couldn't look away. We had never been close ,but that didn't ease any of the guilt that's been bothering me for the past week.

  Anna nudged me lightly ''You can always back out'' she told me sympathetically.

  She knew I understood what she was referring to. Ugh! If only my man pride would let me back down.

  After I got my  tray Anna and I immediately went outside and sat on the first bench we saw that was available.

  We have been sitting out here for the past week so that we can come up with plans on what to do about Them. It was also so we could avoid them ,but it was useless since I have 6th period (Art) with Him and he happens to be my partner for every project. I guess that'll help me in the long run but not right now.

  The bell rang and as i left with Anna I debated about ditching Art or not. I decided ditching wouldn't help anything.I'm already in deep shit for my behavior ,tardiness and blah blah blah. Basically I can't afford to get in trouble right now.

  I took a deep breath and made my way towards the classroom.  Well atleast we have a substitue today. I hear he's cute. ;)


Srry i know its short I will try and upload soon. =) Thx for reading it I hoped you liked it! <3

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