Keep your cool

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"I have to get there in time! Curse my broken alarm clock!"
"But Mistress, you smashed your alarm clock when it went off and then went back to sleep!"
Now I bet you're wondering what's going on, am I correct? Well basically I slept in (till nightfall) and now it's Yoh's fight with the boneyard sorcerer Faust VIII and I have to get to the cemetery before Faust can hurt Morty.
Anyway back to the story.
I was running as fast as I could through the rain without anything to protect me from it.
"There it is!" Now running has never been my strong point but I was going so fast you should give me an Olympic Gold medal right now.
The match hadn't even started and yet Faust has trapped Morty to a tombstone while Yoh was struggling against the skeletons made by him.
"Dray, how long do I have until their match officially starts?"
"Three minutes." Perfect that's enough time. Using the shadows I sneaked around to behind the tree that Faust had Morty trapped by. Quietly gaining sprint fire spirit control I crouched down low waiting for the right time to strike.
"FLAMES BLADE!" I lunged forward with my sword engulfed in fierce flames.
Before Faust could react to my assault Morty had been freed and I had carried him to where Silva was standing by Anna a while away.
"Who are you and how dare you interfere with my research!" Turning round slowly so he could see my face I gave him a one of my death stares that would of rekilled his bone army.
"Names Helen, best friends to Morety and Yoh so you mess with them you mess with me. Plus I'm hungry so I'm now really pissed!"   
To say the Boneyard sorcerer was scared would defiantly be an understatement form the deathly aura I was giving off.
Jumping down with my 'flames blade' attack I kept striking at the skeletons that had Yoh in a full body hold. As soon as they were all dead.......... again.......... I bowed light heartily and motioned for Yoh to where Faust was standing ridged with his beloved Eliza skeleton. As he walked past me he stopped and turned to me giving me one of his famous smiles.
"Thanks all mighty Helen."
"Ha ah very funny. Just remember Yoh, keep your cool that you always have. Rage will blind your judgment and you will lose." With a quick nod he run full force to Faust now that their official fight had begun.
"Hey Anna I gotta go. My Oracle bell just told me that I got a match now." Her brows furrowed in confusion.
"But you've already won your two matches." Actually yeah she's right; I turned to Silva for answers.
"I apologise My Lady, you might have been asked to fight because your opponent needs another win or something like that." That makes sense; and again with the 'My Lady?'
After making sure that Morty was ok I set off to my field for the match. No really, it was an actual field. As I neared closer I caught a glimpse of the sucker I would destroy. It was none other than Basil, one of Zeke's left hand nobs.
"Sup Basil. You ready to get your arse handed to you on a plate?" Said boy with his insanely bad hair cut just smirked
"You have no idea who you are dealing with." Did he really just use that line on me?
"Actually I do. Basil; one of Zeke's bitches, ground guardian ghost and really terrible taste in fashion."
"H-how?" Aww did I scare someone? That's new for me.
"I'm not here to explain how I know you I'm here to beat you to a pulp. DRAY SPIRIT FORM! INTO THE GLOVES! WATER POWERS!"
While I was there with my glowing gloves Basil was there with his big arse black ground spirit.
"HA you think you can beat me with gloves? Are you trying to mock me?" Oh no he did not!!!! I'm gonna make him eat those words. Putting my hands to the ground I called out my attack.
"ELEMENTAL DRAGON! STORM UPHEAVAL!" For a second nothing happened but then a burst of water spurted from under Basil and his ghost. I had put extra furyoku to add intense pressure to its victim. When I looked back at my opponents I saw Basil standing on the shoulders of his spirit that had sunk so low that now only its head, shoulders and some of it a torso showed. Basil had a look of utter horror on his face.
"Time to finish this off. ELEMENTAL DRAGON! WATER WHIP!" In my hand was now a whip that was made of the excess water caused by my previous attack. With a battle cry I jumped up with my whip drawn behind me ready for me to cast it (hey, it sounds like I'm fishing). Using as much force as I could muster I flung the whip towards Basil and his shipwrecked ghost and it wrapped around them so tight that Basil let out a cry of pain. I pulled.
Basil had lost spirit control, I had won.
"Nice work Helen." That voice. To my left stood Zeke. I had to keep my guard up around him. I know I'm powerful but no way near as strong as he is, this I am certain of.
"My name is Zeke; future Shaman king and ruler of this planet. I will destroy these worthless humans and create my Shaman only kingdom. I want you to be apart of it as my Shaman queen."
Back the truck up!
Did he just?
No he didn't, he wouldn't.
Zeke the hot psycho just proposed to me!
"Errrrrr thanks Zeke but you see I don't really plan on becoming your Shaman queen. Especially since I won't let you become King. So no, bye." I spun on my heel and walked away my head filling with questions. Why me? I mean yeah I'm strong but other than that what?
A powerful hot gust of air swirled in front of me. I glanced up and saw Zeke standing on his spirit of fire.
"You will be mine. Until I come for you, so long." Then they were gone. Great now I got an evil but fit stalker. You might of noticed that I got a thing for anyone who is fit; no matter if they're good or bad.
As I walked back to the house my mind was filled with questions about what had happened tonight. That was until.
"Mistress. I seems the pointy haired kid from a few days ago is tailing us."
I stopped
"Dray, did he stop?"
"Take a picture it'll last longer or do you actually want to talk to me?"
The sound of him jumping of a roof and landing behind me sounded.
"I want you to tell your friend that I'll be waiting."
Damn he's so fine!
As he walked away I stared after him feeling pity rise up for the way his uncle has shaped him. His head turned back to me and we made eye contact. Gold against dark brown. In those eyes I saw curiosity, confusion, anger and hatred.
I want to help him.
I'm going to help him.

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