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Helen's POV

I opened my eyes only to see Trey and Len in another one of their fights.
We had decided to rest in a bus stop which was obviously a trick as there wasn't even a road anywhere near us, but it did have some shade.
Suddenly Lyserg jumped up,
"Something's coming!"
We all stood up just in time for a large spirit to appear out of the ground and its shaman standing on its broad shoulders.
Well if it isn't Basil.
"Hey Basil! Long time no see!" I waved at him and he flinched when he saw me and I could see a blush of embarrassment on his cheeks.
"How do you know everyone Helen?" You asked. I shrugged and simply answered that I had fought him in the first round of the tournament.
"Who won?" Rio asked and I smirked at my friends while flicking my hair behind my shoulders as a sign that it was me.
Basil cleared his throat and explained how he was here to destroy Yoh's friends at Zeke's wish. I sighed at this and pulled my gloves up higher on my arms.
My friends rushed forward and attacked Basil who easily deflected their attacks while another one of Zeke's followers appeared and surrounded Yoh, stopping him from escaping to help us.
I watched as my friends fought with Basil not doing the best of jobs.
"Why are you protecting me?!" Yoh asked Basil and the other guy.
"Because that's what Zeke wants... For his descendant." Everything went silent.
The guys took this in before resuming their attacks except for Lyserg, Len even had to save him from being crushed because he was thinking too hard.
"Doesn't it bother you Len, that Yoh is a descendant of Zeke?" He asked Len who shook his head.
"I know who Yoh is, I don't care where he came from!" I smiled as both Rio and Trey seconded that.
"Now Lyserg if you're not going to be any help, get out of the way." He stared at me as I stepped forward and I even saw Basil take a step back and his eyes widened in fear slightly.
"Dray! Spirit form, into the gloves. Water!" Dray fused with my gloves which started to glow a bright blue.
"Whirlpool!" My friends all jumped back behind me as the ground that Basil's spirit was standing on turned into water which started to swirl into a powerful whirlpool, trapping Basil and his spirit.
Yoh was able to break free of the other guys protective circle and ran up to us. Then they all jumped up to land their own attacks on the spirit while I kept them trapped in the whirlpool.
"You can't beat me! I am one of the most powerful shaman in the world!" He screamed trying to escape the hold I had on him.
All of a sudden a flash of light came out of nowhere and pierced Basil through the chest, killing him and destroying his guardian ghost.
I dispersed the whirlpool and broke my spirit control with Dray who fading in next to me. My friends looked on with shock and horror as Basil was destroyed and a group of people dressed in white appeared in front of us, a large white spirit standing behind them.
Crap, it's the X-Laws!
"Hello, we are the-"
"NO, NO, NO, HELL NO, NOPE, NOT HAPPENING!" I cut them off and even used my earth spirit control to summon a giant rock that separated them from us.
There was silence.
"Urm... Helen?" Trey asked sweat dropping.
The X-Laws heads popped out from the side of the giant rock all staring at me with confusion. I glared at them and huffed.
"We don't need anyone who carelessly destroys people." I spat and Dray faded in behind me at his full size (which is about twice the size of Zeke's guardian ghost) and snarled at them, snapping his massive jaws.
The X-Laws took a step back and I could see them shake in fear.
"Mistress don't you think we should at least listen to what they have to say? Rio suggested to which I scoffed at but still got rid of the rock and Dray shrunk back down to a smaller size.
We let the X-Laws talk and listened as they said they wanted us in their group to destroy Zeke.
"We don't need you." Yoh finally spoke, repeating what I had said causing me to smirk.
"We'll allow you to think about it, but we will return." And with that they were gone.
"What a bunch of weirdos." Trey said as he slung an arm around my shoulders.

We had found ourselves at a theme park which Len was very against.
"Come on Len, you need to relax." Yoh grinned.
"I'm very relaxed! Don't I seem very very relaxed to you?!" He retorted.
"Yeah, you seem stress free..." Yoh said.
"... That's why we're only staying one night." I carried on his sentence as we all walked to our rooms.
Later that night we all ended up in the hot springs, the boys and I separated by a few rocks. I was enjoying the quiet until Trey yelled over at me.
"You ok there alone Helen!?" A tick mark appeared on my head.
"I was!" I screamed back at him earning a laugh from the other boys.
I listened as Rio brought up the subject of separating and traveling in groups followed by Lyserg bringing up the suggestion of joining the X-Laws.
"What do you think Helen?" Yoh asked me.
"Shut them up! They are both stupid ideas!" I could just see Len try to hold in his laughter. Yoh seconded my thought as he told us that we should stay as a group as we are stronger together.
After a long soak we all went back to room. Trey and Rio were playing table tennis, Yoh was sitting on a massage chair, Len was drinking milk and watching the 'death' match as they called it and Lyserg was looking out the window. I however was sitting down in the corner talking to Dray about our journey and new moves that we wanted to try out.
Finally we decided to go to bed, except for Lyserg who had disappeared and Rio who went back out to the hot spring.
Back inside my room Dray and I were watching the window.
Just as I was about to give up waiting, a stream of smoke came through the window.
"Dray." He nodded and stalked over to the window and growled threateningly causing the smoke which was Endla- Sharona's guardian ghost- and some other random girl shaman to run away. He huffed and walked back to my side where I lay down and he curled around me protectively.
"Good night Mistress." I smiled and also wished him good night before I fell asleep.

Yoh's POV

How we got into this situation I will never know.
Ok so basically we were crashing in this remote town and then suddenly we all get attacked by this vampire who turns out to be in alliance with Zeke. We were all in the movie theatre except I was being held back by Lyserg who had turned into a vampire- well not really, it's just the actual shaman Boris's guardian ghost possessing him- while my friends were at a threat of being impaled by these steaks help above them by Boris's bats.
Did I cover everything?
Oh... Nope................. Helens not actually here as she went to go see if there was another town nearby as she refused to stay in this town, I understand her point now.
"Yoh, you must destroy me." Lyserg was able to say. I refused and Boris started to laugh.
"What will you do Yoh? Willingly become my servant?" I thought about it.
"If it will save my friends then yes." With that I pulled Lysergs head down to my neck where he bit my neck.
Suddenly a giant gust of wind came out of nowhere which blew the steaks threatening my friends out of the way so they were free.
"Damn Yoh, willingly getting bitten? Didn't expect you to be that kinky." I blushed as I looked up to see Helen standing by our friends who also had a matching blush on their cheeks.
Then the 'bite' kicked in and I fell to the floor. However I wasn't possessed by Boris's ghost as I was already in spirit unity with Amidamaru and we held the ghost from doing any more damage.
I stood up to meet my friends and even made a mock scary face as a joke earning a laugh from them. That was when Len stalked up to Boris and used his rapid tempo assault but before he could finish him off, Boris's guardian ghost stopped him explaining how Boris witnessed his parents murder and was taken under Zekes wing. Boris walked into the church in the next room saying how he did not want to listen to the story again however he suddenly let out a scream.
We all rushed into the church only to see the X-Laws about to destroy Boris.
I couldn't let that happen so I ran forward and stood in front of him, protecting him from the X-Laws.
"I can't sit back and watch you destroy another human. If you want Boris, you'll have to go past me. And if you destroy me then you'll be no better than Zeke." I stood firm.
The leader of the X-Laws almost exploded.
"How dare you compare us to pure evil!" And with that one of the spirits shot forward a blade heading straight for me.
However just before the blade could stab me Boris appeared in front of me.
Except he was never able to take the hit for me as Helen and her sword blocked the attack just before it came into contact with him.
"That's enough you piece of shits otherwise I won't be very nice!" She growled at them and I don't think I had ever seen her glare at someone with so much hate before.
The X-Laws stepped back and looked to their leader who kept eye contact with Helen.
They must have known that she could have easily beaten them all because I could just feel the power of her furyoku radiating off her in waves.
"Since he risked his life for someone else we will allow him one last chance, but if he is ever to stray to the dark side again we will be back." And with that they walked past us heading for the door.
"We will not forget what happened today but still think about our proposal."
Out of the corner of my eye I saw something that shocked me, Lyserg started to walk out with the X-Laws. Rio, Len and Trey called out to him but he kept on walking. He even disregarded Millie who was lying hurt on the floor.
"I could never forgive or trust a follower of Zeke or someone who protects them." He said.
"What are you saying Lyserg?" I asked already knowing the answer.
"I don't trust you anymore!" And with that they were gone, Rio still helplessly calling after him.
Helen turned around to me and offered me a small smile which I returned. Len then came over to us, put an arm around Helen's shoulders and we all walked outside.
"I want to thank you all, especially you Yoh and Helen for saving my life. I'm going to leave Zeke's team and help rebuild this town." Boris said and we smiled at him before he left with his ghost.
"Well guys, let's get going." I eventually broke the silence and we started to go on our journey once again.

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