Chapter 1

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Sherlock was annoyed. He was sitting, sulking in the corner of the room. His mother had dragged him along to another social event to be shown off like a doll. Worse than that was that she made him wear a dress. Sherlock despises dresses. He hates the way people smile, ruffle his hair and told him what a cute girl he was. That's right you heard me a 'girl'. The word was like acid to Sherlock for he knew that he was a boy. The problem was that no one else knew. Not even his big brother Mycroft. Sherlock Holmes was living a fake life. Sherlock Holmes is a boy.


Mycroft adored his little sister. She was the apple of his eye. He always knew there was something unique about her.  He taught her everything she knew. Which is quite a lot. Sherlock is incredibly smart and picks things up very quickly. Mycroft was always willing to indulge her curiosity and interest in the world around her. Even if the constant questions were tiresome. He always tried to answer them though. But one day his little sister asked him a question he did not know how to answer. 

"Mycroft, why am I a freak?" That stunned the 11 year old into silence. He was horrified that his care-free little sister thought of herself that way. Where did she even learn such a word? Did someone call her that? He wanted to have been able to reassure the young girl that no she was not a freak. Tell her that she was in fact an amazing person. But he could not. He did not.  Instead he stormed out of the room in search of their parents. Furious at the thought that they would call their own daughter a freak. He knew that they were the guilty culprits as he knew of their intolerance to the small girl. They did not like that she was smart and feisty and that she acted like a boy. Mycroft and the small collection of serving staff worked hard to protect Sherlock.

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