awaiting love part-2

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Randhir looked like a mess the next day. His jeans were wrinkled, his hair stuck up all over, and his eyes were bloodshot and puffy.
I, on the other hand, had woken up a half an hour early to ensure that I looked just like I did any other day. I wanted to show him that I was not affected by this whole ordeal and that it was his loss, not mine. I decided to take Arpita'ss advice and to act as indifferent as possible around him. Not like I needed to anyways, because Randhir didn't like being seen with me regardless.
When he walked into first period, late I might add, whispers started as he locked eyes with mine. I looked away quickly since we were at school out of reflex. And when he seemed to hesitate beside my desk while moving to his seat, I turned my head to talk to Arpita. Indifference was key.
The rest of the week went by, which was actually only a few days. Randhir managed to get back into the swing of things by Friday, and his eyes looked only a little bloodshot. I think what hurt the most was that he hadn't even tried to talk to me or call me even though he had made it clear he wanted to.
On Friday, when lunch started and the hallways were still pretty full, the partner I got assigned to in English came up to me at my locker and wanted to make plans to get started. His name was joy and one thing I liked about him was that he had a cute dimple in his right cheek.
I briefly registered that Randhir was a little ways down the hall, one of his Randhir friends goofing off while the others laughed. I noticed that Randhir was the only one that wasn't laughing; he was frowning actually.
My mind switched back to joy. "Whenever you want to start I'll be fine with it. I'm not doing anything," I said with a small smile.
"So, would tonight be okay for you? You could come over to my place and we can go from-," he never finished because suddenly he was slammed into the locker next to mine, an angry Randhir bunching up the front of his shirt.

"What the fuck, Sanyukta?" Randhir said through clenched teeth.
Shock registered through my mind. "Let go of him!" I exclaimed, weakly.
"Randhir, what are you doing, man?" One of his friends called. I realized the hallway seemed to get very quiet.
Randhir'ss cheeks were flushed red and his hazel eyes flashed dangerously. I found my voice again and I managed to make it sound emotionless, "Randhir, let go of him."
"No. This bastard has the nerve to ask you out when you and me just broke up?" Startled whispers began and a glance toward his group of friends confirmed that they were just as surprised as the crowded hallway.
"You and me were never together," I lied. What was he doing? This was what Randhir had wanted to prevent and he was just recklessly throwing everything that we had concealed away.
"We were together for five fucking months, Sanyukta. What do you mean we were never together?" He asked incredulously.
That set me off. "How do you know? How was anyone else suppose to know? You never cared and you certainly didn't think that we were together since you never even wanted to talk to me when we weren't alone. I was just a nobody to you in public. You even said so yourself. And that's why I broke up with you. Because I realized that you were too shallow because you were too ashamed to be with me. And you know what? I don't care anymore, because I realized that I don't need someone like you in my life and I was better off without you anyways." Randhir's jaw was clenching and unclenching, looking as if he wanted to interrupt, but he knew better. He knew that I hated being interrupted. I wanted to open my mouth and say more but the sound of silence in the hallway was deafening and I just wanted to get out of there so I could have a good cry when I got to the bathroom. I glanced toward Joy, who was looking both confused and scared. His eyes snapped toward mine. "Sorry, Joy, tonight won't be a good time to start on our project." I gave one last glare toward Randhir, shock coming over his face and then turned on my heel towards the bathroom.
Ha, take that, you jerk.
I don't need him. I don't need a guy. He's a total jerk and I so was not in love with him.
It still wasn't working.
Everyone knew now because the news spread fast. Randhir was such an idiot.
It was Friday night and I was at home once again, surrounded by tissues and romance novels. I had a tissue clenched in my hand as I cried my eyes out, reading one of my favorite books.
A knock sounded at my door and I figured it was just my mom checking on me to make sure I hadn't killed myself yet.
But it most definitely wasn't my mom.
I sat there with my widened eyes as Randhir shut my door behind him. I almost glared at the door, as if it was at fault for him being in here. His eyes took in my pathetic situation and I flushed as I saw a hint of an amused smile.
"What are you doing here?"

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