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Cause almost everyone wanted the sleep over and da date we'll go with that. Please forgive me for not updating. My tab wouldn't work and I already wrote something on it so I couldn't finish it at my computer. Anyway... hope you like it and don't forget to vote, follow and leave a message below. Love youuuu

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
Cameron started blushing to and for a few seconds we just stared into each others eyes. Somehow it wasn't awkward at all. His brown eyes made me relax in a way not even my mother could.
"Uhum... I-I have a better idea" I finally cleared my throat.
"And what is that?"
"You'll take me on a date" This time it was my turn to smirk.
Cameron smiled and nodded.
"Deal! But you have to get better first"
"Don't worry, I will be."

In the days that followed I quickly recovered and at the end of the week I finally had to go home. Cameron, sadly couldn't be there cause he had to many appointments.
"You ready?" Dad asked.
I nodded and picked up my backpack. The only bag I was allowed to carry of my parents. Mom took my arm and we started to make our way to the entrance.
What I didn't was prepared to was a crowd. When we stepped outside, paparazzi was everywhere and many girls yelled at me. The looks on their faces were angry. Like I took the thing that was the most precious to them. It made me scared and I started shaking.
The paparazzi took pictures of me from every side which was possible. A few journalists tried to interview me but I was to shocked to answer. That was when dad pushed them all aside and mom helped me to get in the car quickly.
When it was finally silent I was to exhausted to even answer mom. My eyelids grew heavier and heavier, till I couldn't held them open and fell asleep.

The next thing I knew was waking up in my bed. It was already night time and everything was pitch black in my room. I felt a warm hand on mine and noticed it was my dad. With a smile I fell asleep again.

When the sun rised again, I stood up and took a good shower. In the hospital the showers weren't as nice as home. When I was done and stepped out of the shower I noticed the scars on my legs. My fingers slowly traced them but they were healed. Well, as good as scars can heal...
And before I knew it, I was mumbling the lyrics to 'battle scars'
I smiled and while brushing my hair and dressing up I sang a bit louder.
"These battle scars, don't look like their fading.
Don't look like they're ever going away. They ain't never gonna change. These battle..."
"(Y/N)? You done yet?" Suddenly my mom asked behind the door.
"Y-Yeah! Wait a sec' " and I quickly brushed the last stroke of my hair.
When I opened the door she smiled and kissed my forehead.
"You're a good Singer sweetie. Maybe you'll also get a career"
"Yeah, no way. I'm not good enough for that"
"You never know unless you try" and she closed the bathroom door.
While shooking my head I went downstairs to eat breakfast. Dad was already eating and smiled when he saw me.
"Good morning, sleepy head" he teased.
"Good morning to, dad" and I sat down.
"Cameron called you by the way. He asked if you could call him back?"
"He did?!" And dad nodded. I jumped up and raced to the phone.
While dialing his personal number I wondered why he called. He could send a whatsapp to...
"With Cameron's assistance."
"Uhhh hi. Is Cameron there?" I nervously asked.
The assistance who answered sounded like a girl like me. Why would a girl around my age have Cameron's phone?
"He's busy. Are you a fan of him?"
"Something like that... but-" and the call ended.
I looked weirdly at the phone and laid the phone down. Okay...

Cameron's P.O.V. (YASSSSSS!!!! FINALLY!!!)
After another workout I was exhausted. Why didn't (Y/N) call me back? It's been a few hours. I walked to my sister who held my phone with her. She always watched me on Saturdays.
"Hey, did someone called yet?"
"Yeah but it was just a fan. Don't know how she got your number though."
"Give me" and Maya gave me my phone back.
'(Y/N) home called -> picked up.'
"That is not just a normal fan, Maya... That's the girl I've been talking about"
"Oh... sorry Cam" she looked really troubled so I smiled at her and gave her a soft push.
"Don't worry. I'll call her back"

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I was listening to my favorite song when my phone rang. I looked at the screen and my heart jumped when I read his name.
"Hey!" I heard Cameron's voice.
"So you're finally home?"
"Since yesterday. But the paparazzi were a pain in the ass though."
"Ouch. I was already afraid that would happen. I'm so sorry I wasn't there"
"Don't sweat it. No offense but I think you only would make it worse"
"Maybe... but the date is still on, right?"
I laughed and felt my cheeks burning up.
"I don't want to miss it. When?"
"Fine by me. You better be prepared" I smirked.
"I will. I'll pick you up at seven." He laughed.
His laugh made my heart skip a beat. What was this feeling I got every time? Did every fangirl had this to?
"See you then." And I hang up.

I waited a few seconds for the moment to take in. After that a big smile plastered on my face and I jumped of my bed.
"Yessssssss!!!! I'm going on a d-"
"(Y/N), sweetie we're going to get dinner. We'll be right back" my mom yelled before closing the front door.
I laughed and opened my closet. What did I have to wear? I didn't think I would ever go on a date so I didn't have much. Not that I liked dressing up nicely very much. I took my phone and scrolled down in my last messages.
I sighed and trew my phone back on my bed. In times like these I missed her a lot. While thinking about her, my eyes watered and after a minute I started crying again.

Love Or Fangirl? (Cameron Boyce X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now